Monday, March 14, 2011

How Do Get Whiteout Off Plastic

Tuesday, March 15 on Radio Onda Italian Dinsdag 15 maart op Radio Onda Italian

I know we're in Lent, which could be a great excuse to start one of those beautiful detox diets based on fruit and vegetables, but still raining and cold, and then hold the oven on like.
not know about you, but I run continuously between misrepresent things to do right and left, the time to cook a cake can not find it (I am reduced to breakfast with bits of simit, a donut of Turkish bread with sesame seeds because I have not breath to cook two cookies). But what relaxes me flip through a cookbook!
And if the book in question is sweet, of those feasible, no frills, decorations colorate, glasse e coperture varie all'americana, allora potrei passarci la notte a leggermelo dall'inizio alla fine. Sì, perché come qualche volta ho raccontato, io i libri e le riviste di cucina li leggo come se fossero letteratura.
E mi ci faccio mentalmente tanti di quegli appunti che non vi immaginate.
Sarà il mio passato di insegnante di cucina, ma una ricetta ben spiegata che non lascia adito ad alcuna domanda (e quindi iniziativa sbagliata) è la cosa più rilassante che esista. Non ti devi interrogare: ma il lievito a che punto lo metto? Ma il bagnomaria deve essere caldo o freddo? Ma la tortiera quanto deve essere grande? Ma il burro lo devo sciogliere o è meglio che sia a pomata? Anche perché sia ben chiaro: with the sweets you can not extend to it right now. I am a chemical formula, a mathematical theorem and can not be overdriven, it takes a tremendous flop. With salt you can still recover a small mistake, no pastry. For this I think all the pastry chefs can be very good, but not all may be passable pastry chefs.

All this to tell you that during the show tonight will be a welcome guest on the phone, Mariapaola Dettore , author of several cookbooks accurate. Mariapaola we will talk about his latest work, Desserts eyes closed, just published for the Vallardi.

To listen to this show at another time, but no later than May 14, follow this link for the Italian and this link for Dutch .

not be alarmed if you hear the beginning of the Italian transmission in Dutch: the radio news that gnaws at 3 minutes drive.

~~~~~ Nederlands

Het gebeurt niet vaak om mij een leuke, rustige, bijna filosofische film over koks te zien en daarom was ik aangenaam verrast door De smaak van de ziel . Het is een film over twee koks en een proever, voor wie smaak gekoppeld is aan diepe emoties.
De eerste kok is Erik van Loo , de huidige chef-kok en eigenaar van restaurant Parkheuvel in Rotterdam. Voor hem is eten emotie: bij aardappels denkt hij aan de aardappelsoep die zijn vader, een slager uit een geslacht van slagers uit Limburg die eigenlijk bakker wilde worden maar werd gedwongen slager te worden. Erik maakt een geraffineerder versie van zijn vader aardappelsoep en serveert hem in Parkheuvel.
De tweede kok in de film is Cees Helder , de eerste Nederlandse chef die een derde Michelinster kreeg. Helder 'koos' Van Loo als zijn opvolger bij Parkheuvel toen hij zich terugtrok als een echte kampioen op zijn hoogtepunt en het restaurant verkocht. Het duurde lang voordat de adrenaline in zijn bloed was weggeebt, maar de heimwee naar de kachel is nog steeds groot.
De derde sleutelfiguur in deze documentaire over koken als kunst, smaak en diepgevoelde emoties is meesterproever Paul van Craenenbroeck , een voormalige Belgische kok die de pannen de rug keerde om inspecteur bij Michelin te worden. Van zijn oordeel hing het krijgen van een Michelinster bij Parkheuvel.

De film is vanaf 7 april in de bioscopen te zien, maar hij wordt aanstaande vrijdag 18 maart getoond bij het Food Film Festival in Amsterdam.

Tijdens de uitzending van vanavond gaan we luisteren naar een interview met de chef Erik van Loo, met regisseur Robbert So Kiem Hwat en met twee kinderen die in de zaal waren tijdens de persvoorstelling en die bij Parkheuvel hadden gegeten.

Om op een andere moment naar de uitzending te luisteren, maar vóór 14 mei, volg deze link for the Italian and this link for Dutch .

Do not worry if you start to hear my radio news broadcast: It's the news for the city and takes only 3 minutes.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Buying Single Seater Dirt Buggies

Canon Navigator (1990)

Canon Navigator (1990)

What Does A New PC Have Over All Other PCs?
It's Also A Telephone And A Fax—With A Touch-Sensitive Screen.

The Canon Navigator Desktop Office.
Now, you can do more work in less time.
You can enter data into your PC while talking with a client on the phone.
Receive a fax while creating a document, and then fax that document. With one machine. On top of your desk.
In fact, the Navigator is the first office machine in the world that lets you do so much—just by touching its screen:
Use your PC. You can pull up Microsoft Works 2.0, which comes with the Navigator - simply by touching its screen. And you'll have word processing, spreadsheet with graphics, data base, and more, to help you run your business more efficiently.
And since you can use software compatibile with the IBM PC/XT, there are hundreds of programs you can take advantage of.
Fax documents . You can call up the 300-name directory of your G3 fax machine, send documents directly from your screen and receive them straight to your disk. All, with a simple touch.
Call your clients . You can bring up your phone directory speed-dial, re-dial, set your answering machine—even have it give you a wake-up call—by touching its screen.

Cosa ha un nuovo PC rispetto agli altri?
E' anche un Telefono e un Fax - con uno schermo che risponde al tocco.

Il Canon Navigator Desktop Office.

Adesso puoi fare più lavoro in meno tempo.
Puoi inserire dati nel tuo PC mentre parli al telefono con un cliente.
Ricevere un fax mentre stai creando un documento e poi spedire quello stesso fax. Con un solo dispositivo. Sulla tua scrivania.
Infatti il Navigator è la prima macchina da ufficio al mondo che ti permette di fare così tanto - semplicemente toccandone lo schermo:
Usare il PC . Puoi lanciare Microsoft Works 2.0, fornito con il Navigator, toccando semplicemente lo schermo. E avrai a disposizione un elaboratore di testi, un foglio elettronico e relativi grafici, un data base e altro ancora, per farti gestire in modo più efficiente la tua attività.
E dato che puoi usare software compatibile con gli IBM PC/XT, puoi approfittarti di ceninaia di programmi
Documenti fax . Puoi richiamare la lista della rubrica da 300 nomi del tuo fax G3, andare dcumeni dal tuo schermo e riceverli direttamente su disco. Il tutto con un semplice tocco.
Chiamare i clienti . Puoi tirar fuori la lista telefonica dei numeri a chiamata rapida, richiamare, configurare il rispnditore automatico - persino fargli fare delle chiamate sveglia - toccando lo schermo.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thank You For Hosting The Wedding

Conversations Culinary School Italy Conversatiecursus Culinaire over onderwerpen bij School Italy

Come già Sapete strong, Scuola d'Italia è l'attività didattica della Fondazione Culturale Quelli di Astaroth , oltre che anche alla Scuola gestisce Radio Onda Italiana e il Gruppo di Quelli Teatrale Astaroth.

Scuola d'Italia propone una gamma di corsi di lingua selezionata, sia per imparare the Italian and Dutch, both grammar and conversation. It also organizes some cultural courses, such as theater classes (great for learning how to melt when it comes to public speaking).

In January, he offered a course of metaphysical conversations, that is a course to develop fluency in Italian speaking of philosophical arguments. The only requirement for inclusion, however, seems to have been that of an Italian resident here, had not understood that this was a course for foreigners.
But when I made jokes that metaphysics is not eating, but maybe a course in culinary conversations might be more successful, his friend Roberto me immediatamente preso in parola e proposto di dimostrare quanto affermato.

E quindi dal 22 marzo ogni martedì pomeriggio dalle 18 alle 19.20 per 5 settimane terrò un corso di conversazione per avanzati dove invece di discutere di letteratura, politica, arte e dei massimi sistemi, stimolerò i partecipanti a parlare di tematiche legate al cibo e alla cucina.
Parleremo dei prodotti alimentari tipici italiani, dove e come vengono prodotti, cosa ci si può fare in cucina, quali sono i piatti tipici, come leggere il menu di un ristorante e tutti gli argomenti attinenti che i partecipanti vorranno proporre. E magari assaggiamo anche qualcosa di particolare.
L'ultima lezione, that of April 19, coincides with my radio. The lecture will take place then in radio.

You need to dissolve a bit 'to speak Italian, especially in view of the arrival of summer and dell'agognata holiday in Italy? Go
Sunday, March 6 between 13 and 17 to School Italy, Sint Jansstraat 37 (behind the Dam) , because I'll be there to give information.
If I want to write, you can send me an e-mail address .
Do not wait too long to register, there are many places around my table.

~~~~~ Nederlands

As you may already know, Scuola d'Italia the small school of the Italian Cultural Foundation Quelli di Astaroth , alongside the Scuola also Radio Onda Italiana and Theatre Quelli di Astaroth care.

Scuola d'Italia offers a selection of language courses for Italian and Dutch, not only the grammar easy to learn but to learn to speak the language. Furthermore, culture courses are also organized, such as an acting course (which is very handy if you smoothly To speak to an audience).

January this year we had a philosophical conversation courses offered. That was a conversation course where, to improve your speaking, about filofische topics were discussed. The only interested proved to be an Italian who did not notice it was an Italian course for foreigners.
When I suggested to the philosophy that you can not eat, but maybe a culinary course a little more conversation could be interesting, has friend Roberto nailed me right on my words and challenged to prove it.

So from March 22 to 18 every Tuesday afternoon from 19.20 hours for 5 weeks I keep a conversation course for advanced I rather to talk about literature, politics, art and astracte world systems, the participants will encourage to discuss issues related to eating and drinking.
We're talking about typical Italian products, where and how they are constructed, what you can do in the kitchen, which has traditional Italian dishes, how to read a menu and any related subjects that the students themselves bring. And maybe we have something special tests.
The last lesson, that of April 19, coincides with my radio show. The lesson will therefore take place in radio. Want

wat soepeltjes in het Italiaans babbelen voordat je straks voor de zomervakantie naar Italië afreist?
Kom zondag 6 maart tussen 13 en 17 uur langs bij Scuola d'Italia , Sint Jansstraat 37 (achter de Dam) , want ik zal daar aanwezig zijn om informatie te geven.
Als je de info per e-mail wil aanvragen, schrijf naar .
Wacht niet te lang als je je wil inschrijven, want er is een beperkt aantal plaatsen aan mijn tafel.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tattoos That Cover Stretch Marks Before And After

quiche with leeks and walnut crust Hartig taart met en prehistoric walnotenkruimeldeeg

Continuo ad avere sfortuna con il computer e quindi l'aggiornamento di questo blog ne risente.
Ciò non mi impedisce But cooking, although occasionally I get distracted and combines a few: for example enriched my dishes with thin layers of fingers came away with the deadly Benriner Japanese mandolin . And without the tip of the fingers or the side of your thumb, it's hard tick on your keyboard. Or I
tan made braise the leeks in the pan. And they would like their leeks with a moon tan.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe crust with walnuts I have stolen from somewhere on the blog of Artemisia .

quiche with leeks and walnut crust

for the crust: 250 gr flour

120 gr soft butter 1 tablespoon

grated Parmesan cheese 1-2 tablespoons cold water
2 handfuls of shelled walnuts and chopped

for the filling:
2 leeks (about 500 grams, net of valuation)

100 g bacon 200 g soft cheese (I used the caciotta Sutina of dairy Ovaro )

2 eggs 1 cup milk

extra virgin olive oil salt, pepper

quickly Mix the flour with the Parmesan cheese, butter, nuts and enough cold water to obtain a consistent paste. Put in refrigerator wrapped in plastic.
Slice the leeks into rings, wash well to remove the sand floor in covered pan and simmer with a little d'olio, aggiungendo eventualmente un po' d'acqua.
Stendere la brisée in una teglia imburrata (guarda eventualmente il mio sistema per stendere la frolla senza problemi ), ricoprirla di fettine di pancetta, versare i porri (sgocciolati) sulla pancetta e livellarli. Poi coprire i porri con uno strato di caciotta Sutina ed infine le uova sbattute con il latte, il sale e il pepe. Infornare a 180° C per 40 min. circa.
Buona anche fredda.

Nota di Marina:
La brisée con le noci è spettacolare. Con quella avanzata dai ritagli ci ho fatto dei bastoncini tipo salatino con altri pezzetti di noci e una spolveratina di parmigiano sopra.

~~~~ Nederlands

Ik blijf pech hebben met de computer, en de updating van deze blog blijft staken.
Dat weerhoudt mij in ieder geval niet om te koken, al ben ik niet altijd even geconcentreerd en af en toe verrijk ik mijn gerechten met dunne plakjes vingertoppen als ik de vlijmscherpe Japanse mandoline  Benriner  gebruik. En zonder vingertop of de zijkant van je rechterduim is het niet plezierig om op het toetsenbord te tikken. Of wordt de prei Noord-Afrikaans kleurig, terwijl prei juist lekker is als die Zweeds blank is.
Het idee van kruimeldeeg met walnoten heb ik ergens gelezen op de blog van Artemisia .

Hartige taart met prei en walnotenkruimeldeeg

voor het kruimeldeeg:
250 gr bloem
120 gr zachte boter
1 eetlepel versgeraspte parmigiano
1-2 eetlepels koud water
2 handvol walnoten, grof gehakt

voor de vulling:
2 preien (circa 500 gr netto gewicht)
100 gr pancetta
200 gr zachte kaas (ik heb  caciotta Sutina van de  kaasmakerij van Ovaro  gebruikt, maar een Belgische Passendale zou ook erg goed kunnen)
2 eieren
1 glas melk
olijfolie extravergine
zout, peper

Meng de bloem met parmigiano, boter, walnoten en genoeg koud water om een deeg te krijgen. Kneed het niet langer dan het minimum. Zet in de koelkast, gewikkeld in plastic folie.
Snij de prei in ringen, was ze goed in veel water om het zand te verwijderen en stoof ze zachtjes in een koekenpan met een deksel erop in een bodempje olie. Voeg eventueel een beetje water.
Rol het deeg uit in een beboterde ovenschaal (zie deze trucjes om het deeg zonder problemen mooi uit te rollen), maak een laagje met plakjes pancetta, verdeel de (uitgelekte) prei over de pancetta en bedekt ze met een laagje plakjes caciotta (of Passendale). Giet erop de eieren die je met melk, zout en peper hebt geklopt. Zet in de voorverwarmde oven op 180° C voor 40 min. circa.
Lekker ook op kamertemperatuur.

Noot van Marina:
Kruimeldeeg met walnoten is erg lekker. Met wat deeg dat over was, heb ik wat zoutjes gemaakt met wat extra walnoten en een snufje parmigiano erop.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Lung Cancer And Emphysema The Same Thing?

Chestnut mousse and mascarponeMousse van en kastanjes mascarpone

È un bel po' di tempo che non pubblico nulla di dolce, a parte biscotti, ma la ragione è semplice: l'autoctono di casa se non è tiramisù non vuole nulla, ed io per me stessa non mi faccio grandi dolci. Un biscottino sì, me lo faccio e me lo mangio, ma questo l'avrete capito, nel frattempo.
Avevo poco tempo fa a cena due colleghe, entrambe di origine indonesiana. Ovviamente ho fatto un risottino , qualche capunet e per dolce questa morbida mousse con le castagne e il mascarpone, liberamente ispirata a questa ricetta che la raffinata Artemisia Comina si è fatta dare da una notissima cuoca veneziana.
Le ragazze son rimaste impressionate: mai mangiato prima un risotto fatto come si deve (eheh!), o una polpetta avvolta nella foglia di verza, e lasciamo stare le castagne, che per loro erano esotiche come per noi il potrebbe essere esotica la galanga .

Mousse di castagne e mascarpone

500 gr castagne lesse pelate sottovuoto (per chi la trova: 1 barattolino di marronata)
3 cucchiai di zucchero
125 gr mascarpone
250 ml panna
3 cucchiai di rum
1 bicchiere piccolo di latte

Mettere in un pentolino le castagne con il latte e 2 cucchiai di zucchero e far cuocere una decina di minuti schiacciando le castagne per bene con la forchetta. Se rimangono dei pezzetti, è anche meglio. Farle freddare, poi mescolarle con il mascarpone e il rum.
Montare la panna con 1 cucchiaio di zucchero e incorporarla delicatamente al composto, avendo cura di non smontare troppo la panna: la mousse non verrebbe soffice e spumosa.
Servire con dei biscottini e una spolveratina di cacao amaro ed un buon caffè.

Note di Marina
Veloce e ottima mousse, da fare anche all'ultimo minuto e mettere a freddare in freezer.
Usando le castagne precotte invece della marronata si può dosare meglio lo zucchero. E i morbidi pezzetti di castagne sotto i denti sono molto piacevoli.

~~~~~ Nederlands

Ik heb al een tijdje geen toetjesrecept meer gepubliceerd, behalve koekjes, maar dat heeft een simpele reden: mijn huisautochtoon lust alleen mijn tiramisù en ik maak no special desserts for myself. A cookie is that I make and eat in my uppie, but you have already understood.
A while ago I had invited two colleagues to dinner, both of Indonesian origin. Of course I had a risottino made a few capunet and these soft mousse for dessert with mascarpone and chestnut, inspired by this recipe that the refined Artemisia Comina has gained a famous chef from Venice.
The ladies were impressed: they had never before eaten a good risotto (eheh!), or a meatball wrapped in a koolblad, en onze kastanjes vonden ze net zo exotisch als wij galanga .

Mousse van kastanjes en mascarpone

500 gr gekookte en ontpelde kastanjes, vacuum (of 1 potje kastanjesjam)
3 eetlepels suiker
125 gr mascarpone
250 ml slagroom
3 eetlepels rhum
1 kleine glas melk

Doe de kastanjes in een pannetje met het melk en 2 eetlepels suiker en laat ze koken voor circa 10 minuten totdat ze makkelijk fijn te prakken zijn met een vork. Als er stukjes overblijven, is dat geen probleem.
Laat afkoelen en meng het verkregen purée met mascarpone en rhum.
Klop de slagroom met 1 eetlepel suiker and mix gently with the mascarpone mixture without excess air from the room to store: otherwise the mousse does not moussig.
Serve with biscuits, cocoa powder as desired and a good cup of espresso.

Nuts Quick and delicious mousse, you can also make last minute and put in freezer to cool
If you cooked chestnuts kastanjejam used instead, you can dispense sugar better. And the soft pieces of chestnuts under you choose are very pleasant.

Monday, February 14, 2011

What Is Memory Violation C0000005 In Tally

Tuesday, February 15 on Radio Onda Italian Dinsdag 15 februari op Radio Onda Italian

Lardo baciato e Filetto baciato, Specialità di Acqui Terme (AL)
Tuesday, February 15 we will have again an episode dedicated to the wonders of Piedmont.
begin the succession of interviews with Bruno Barosi who will talk about the fillet and bacon kissed unaspecialità typical Acqui Terme (AL).
Then listen Aldo Dotto, we will discuss the Piemontese cattle.
will continue with Maurizio Gily 's Enoteca del Monferrato Casale Monferrato (AL) which will discuss the wines of the area.
Monorchio David will take us to walk to the underground cathedrals of Cellars Contract Canelli (AT).
Finally, I asked for the recipe to Mrs. Anna krumiri Portinaro, owners of the historic bakery Rossi from Casale Monferrato (AL) where krumiri do more good in the world. Their smell it already feels a mile outside the city. Ma .. He gave me the recipe? You'll find out just listening to the interview!

Per ascoltare questa puntata in un altro momento, ma entro il 14 aprile, seguite questo link per l'italiano e questo link per l'olandese .

Non vi spaventate se all'inizio della trasmissione italiana sentite parlare in olandese: è il giornale radio che ci rosicchia 3 minuti di trasmissione.

~~~~~ Nederlands
Ook in de uitzending van vanavond gaan we het hebben over lekker eten en drinken.
In het bijzonder, wil ik het hebben over het laatste boek van de Italiaanse (BBC tv-)kok Gino   D'Acampo , a handsome boy with his slender prevent leaves no doubt about the correctness of what he proposes in his book. The title is My Italian diet, has just appeared in Dutch in Fontaine Publishers (€ 16.95) and was written in collaboration with a British nutritionist, Juliette KELLOW. She has checked the recipes from Gino, with nutritional information and put together a meal plan designed to lose weight. Also explains why in her introduction the way Italians eat so good. I myself was
in particular the mission of Gino himself, a charmer pur sang: "I dedicate this book op aan alle weelderige vrouwen die voortdurend bezig zijn met calorieën tellen. Bedenk wel dat geen enkele man graag op botten kauwt!"
Luister naar de uitzending om meer info's over dit boek en vooral voor enkele lekkere recepten van Gino!
Om op een andere moment naar de uitzending te luisteren, maar vóór 14 april, volg this link for the Italian and this link for Dutch .

Do not worry if you start to hear my radio news broadcast: It's the news for the city and takes only 3 minutes.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Most Reliable Washer 2010

Pseudo zaleti with dates and candied orange Maiskoekjes met en dadels geconfijte sinaasappel

Succeed Che quando una pensa di fare una ricetta e la dispensation INVECS le fa una pernacchia?
Succeed che la fantasia si Scatena.
Gli zaleti (o zaeti) biscottini sono di origine che Veneziana contengono farina di mais, da qui il nome che in dialetto zaleto Venetian means yellow.
In their original version containing raisins, but when I went to take the jar where it usually keeps them, I found just a dozen, bone-dry to boot. And to me, really, like raisins only if they are beautiful and soft as possible have been soaked in rum or brandy for a few hours.
So I uncovered some other jar and I saved up for dates still beautiful soft and candied orange peel, purchased in a moment of discomfort from the cold and rain at the counter of the dry fruit market and nibbling on my part in the street .
However, dates and peels are very, very good in these cookies.

The recipe was adapted from that of Priscilla's forum Coquinaria .

zaleti or zaeti Priscilla
200 gr cornmeal
200 gr white flour 150 grams butter

150 g sultanas ( replaced with an equal quantity of dates and orange peel)
160 gr sugar
half a bag of yeast cakes
2 packets of vanilla (if you do not need to retain the vanilla bean into the jar of sugar)
icing sugar to taste
4 medium eggs

Add the flour of maize and wheat and open a fountain.
Focusing on a pinch of salt, vanilla extract, ammonia and a little melted butter. Then add the egg yolks with sugar and assembled all the work vigorously and evenly (or put in the mixer, planetary and any tool that you possess coquinaria! I mixed everything by hand).
Then combine the raisins soaked in wine (water or grappa), kneading together with the other ingredients.
then form a cylinder of dough, form into losanghette of 1 cm thick and 4-5 cm long.
Bake for 25/30 min. in a preheated oven at 175 degrees or so.
Let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Notes Marina
Of course I never read the good recipes and I used whole eggs. But I use a ground whole wheat flour from a mill near Haarlem, which absorbs the liquid very well, and I have not noticed until the time of writing this recipe ...
I did and they came half a dose of 2 trays biscotti. La seconda teglia l'ho messa in frigo mentre la prima si cuoceva. Sarà stato il riposo e il fatto che il mais ha assorbito meglio i liquidi, ma i biscotti della seconda teglia erano più morbidi di quelli della prima infornata e il sapore del mais si sentiva meglio.

~~~~~ Nederlands

Wat gebeurt er als je van plan bent een bepaald recept te gaan en je voorraadkast tegensputtert?
Dan neemt de fantasie de vrije loop.
De zaleti (of zaeti) zijn koekjes die oorspronkelijk uit Venetië komen , het zijn simpele koekjes gemaakt met maismeel, dat vroeger in elke huishouden altijd aanwezig was. Thus the name zaleto, in the Venetian dialect yellowish mean.
In the original version, the zaleti raisins, but when I picked up my game where I keep raisins, there were barely a dozen in, totally dehydrated. And I like raisins only good when they are pretty soft after being soaked for a few hours in rum or grappa.
I've pulled up all the pots and got some soft dates and candied orange peel gathered that I had bought at a proud moment in the free market, when I was soaked by rain and cold.
Well, dates and orange peel are very, very, very good in this cookies.

The recipe is adapted from that of Priscilla forum coquinaria .

zaleti or zaeti Priscilla
200 g corn flour
200 gr white flour 150 g butter

150 gr raisins (to replaced with pieces of candied orange peel and dates)

160 g sugar 1 / 2 tbsp baking powder (or substitute white flour self-rising flour)
2 sachets vanilla sugar (not necessary if your real vanilla pods in the sugar bowl store)
4 eggs

Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until thoroughly melted. Mix the two types of flour and make a well in the center. Add a pinch of salt, vanillesuiler, any baking powder and melted butter.
Then add the eggs and knead dough until smooth (you can also use the food processor using ). Voeg de in wijn, grappa (of desnoods water) gewelde rozijnen toe.
Maak rolletjes van het deeg en snijd ze in stukjes van 1 cm dikte en 4-5 cm lengte.
Bak de koekjes in de voorverwarmde oven voor 25-30 min. op 175° C circa.
Laat de koekjes afkoelen en besprenkel ze met poedersuiker.

Noten van Marina
Natuurlijk lees ik nooit iets goed, dus heb ik hele eieren ipv alleen de dooiers gebruikt. Maar mijn witte bloem uit een molen bij Haarlem neemt veel vocht op, dus merkte ik daar niets van totdat ik het recept netjes gekopieerd heb...
Ik heb een halve dosis gemaakt en heb 2 kleine bakplaten vol koekjes gekregen. De tweede bakplaat heb ik in de koelkast geplaatst terwijl de koekjes op de eerste in de oven waren. Door de rust heeft het deeg beter de vocht van de ingrediënten opgenomen en de koekjes van de tweede ronde waren zachter en de smaak van de maismeel beter ontwikkeld.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Low Iron And Good Hemoglobin

lamb stew with chickpeas Gestoofde lam met kikkererwten

L'amico Roberto mi chiama al telefono un sabato a metà mattinata mentre sto passando in rassegna i banchi del mercato di frutta e verdura del Ten Katemarkt . Vuole cucinare un piatto con il cous cous e mi chiede che cosa ci si mangia insieme. Ora, io non sono affatto un'esperta di cucina marocchina (e non sono ancora stata in Marocco), ma con il cous cous ci vedo bene spezzatini di agnello, pollo al limone (quello messo sotto sale, naturalmente), stufatini di verdure, insomma, tutto ciò che fa un bel sughetto con cui bagnare il cous cous.
Lo stufatino di agnello nella foto non vuole assolutamente nessuna pretesa di imitare un piatto marocchino.
Ma accompagnato da un bulghur pilaf è da leccarsi i baffi.

Spezzatino di agnello con i ceci e bulghur pilaf

500 gr polpa di agnello
1 scatola di ceci
1 small onion, sliced \u200b\u200b
1 / 2 cinnamon stick
1 / 2 teaspoon of seeds of pimento (all spice in English)
extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper to taste

for bulghur:
100 grams of bulghur (usually pre-cooked broken wheat) per person
1 / 4 of onion per person
1 / 2 carrot per person
extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper to taste

Brown in a little oil the meat cut into cubes, add the onion, cinnamon and allspice seeds (I put them in a little thing for you, so I do not li ritrovo sotto i denti) e tanta acqua bollente da coprire a filo la carne. Coprire e far andare a fuoco molto dolce per una mezz'ora.
Aggiungere i ceci sciacquati e far andare ancora un quarto d'ora.
Aggiustare di sale e di pepe e servire con il bulghur.
Per il bulghur: soffriggere la cipolla con la carota grattugiata fine, aggiungere il bulghur, tostarlo, e poi tanta acqua calda da coprirlo a filo. Far cuocere a fuoco basso con il coperchio per 5-6 minuti, controllare se si è ammorbidito, eventualmente aggiungere ancora poca acqua e continuare la cottura.

~~~~ Nederlands

Mijn vriend Roberto belt me halverwege de zaterdagochtend terwijl I use the fruit and vegetable stalls of the Amsterdam Market Kate label. He wants something with cous cous cook and asks me what you eat there. Well, I am definitely no expert in Moroccan cooking (and am never in Morocco were), but with cous cous I would braised lamb dinner, lemon chicken (with salt pickled lemon, of course), stewed vegetables, I mean, anything that produces a sauce which can be wetted cous cous.
The stewed lamb in the photo has no pretensions to a Moroccan court to imitate.
bulghur pilaf But what is there to lick your ears.

Braised Lamb with chickpeas and bulghur pilaf

500 gr lamb cubes
1 can chickpeas
1 small onion, chopped
1 / 2 cinnamon stick
1 / 2 teaspoon allspice seeds (in English all-spice)
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

for bulghur:
100 gr bulghur (parboiled cracked wheat) per person
1 / 4 onion per person
1 / 2 carrot per person
extra virgin olive
salt and pepper to taste
Fry the meat in a little oil, add onion, cinnamon and allspice seeds far (I put them in a tea egg, so I do not my choice) and as much boiling water to just cover the meat. Leave on low heat simmer for half an hour.
Add the drained chickpeas and cook them another fifteen minutes most oven.
Season with salt and pepper and serve with bulghur.
For bulghur: cook the finely chopped onion with the equally finely chopped carrot, add the bulghur, stir it until it is glossy (as for a risotto) and add as much boiling water to the wheat just below it. Allow to boil, turn the heat to minimum and let the yarn with the lid on the pan for 5-6 minutes, check whether Zachte is, voeg eventueel weing water toe en Laat nog doorkoken.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Woman Doctor Specialization Medical Penis

Fiat Ritmo (1986)

Fiat Ritmo (1986)

Il testo dice:
Questione di allenamento
I pronostici sono tutti per lei. E c'era d'aspettarselo: la nuova Ritmo non è nata oggi. Dietro all'attuale smagliante forma ci sono allenamenti, evoluzioni tecniche e perfezionamenti continui. I risultati non si sono fatti attendere: le sue cinque motorizzazioni (1100, 1300,1600,1700 diesel e 2000) hanno raggiunto prestazioni ancora migliori.
La nuova Ritmo stupisce per la somma di qualità che è riuscita a trasferire in tutte le sue dieci versioni. Agilità, scatto, potenza, robustezza ed affidabilità sono indiscutibilmente the winning attributes of this vehicle. In addition, today, the new rhythm stick consumers with a truly formidable technique: electronics.
In Rhythm team, complete and well-trained, we find the Energy Saving, sample cost, the diesel engine with the new 1700, sample flexibility, the new 100 Super, a champion of elegance, the 60 and 70, samples of versatility and spaciousness, the Abarth 130 TC, Speedy. The new beat is much more than a promise. It 's a beautiful reality.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Does A High Esr Mean

Literary evening Basilicata belicht Literate Avond Basilicata belicht

Basilicata belicht

Friday, February 4, 2011 at 20:30
a literary evening dedicated to the theme:

belicht Basilicata - Basilicata illustrated by its writers, thinkers, poets
A literary journey tra pietre, burroni, siepi di rosmarino e aranci in fiore.

Lo spunto per la serata è la pubblicazione nella rivista olandese di Italianistica Incontri di 5 nuove traduzioni in olandese delle poesie d'amore di Albino Pierro.
Lo scopo è attirare l'attenzione su una piccola regione del Sud Italia in cui passato e presente sono ancora magicamente intrecciati tra di loro. Una regione con il più alto numero di emigrati sia in altre parti d'Italia che nel mondo, una regione con tesori letterari nascosti, che vale la pena riportare alla luce.

Al pubblico viene offerta una storia raccontata in olandese e molti frammenti in italiano di poesia, prosa, musica e danza.
Una possibilità unica di (ri)scoprire la Basilicata.

Ingresso : € 5 + donazione libera

L'idea di Basilicata belicht è di Silvia Terribili .
Alla serata collaborano: Nello Allocca, Roberto Bacchilega, Sebastiano Gentile, Michela Mazzeo, Barbara Summa, Marina Vizzinisi

Per ulteriori informazioni e prenotazioni:
~~~~~ Nederlands
Basilicata belicht

Op vrijdag 4 februari 2011 , om 20.30 uur,
een literaire avond gewijd aan het thema:

Basilicata belicht door haar schrijvers, denkers, dichters
Een literaire reis door stenen, afgronden, rozemarijnstruiken en sinaasappelbomen in bloei

Aanleiding van de avond is de publikatie in het literaire tijdschrift Incontri van 5 nieuwe vertalingen in het Nederlands van Albino Pierro's liefdesgedichten.
Ons doel is om de aandacht te vestigen op een kleine regio uit het zuiden van Italië waar verleden en heden nog steeds magisch verstrengeld met elkaar zijn. Een regio met het grootste percentage emigranten naar andere delen van Italië en naar het buitenland, een regio met verborgen literaire schatten, die de moeite waard zijn om aan het licht te brengen.

Wij bieden het publiek een verhaal in het Nederlands en veel fragmenten poëzie, proza, essay, muziek en dans.
Een unieke gelegenheid om Basilicata te (her)ontdekken.

Toegang : € 5 + vrije donatie

Het idee van Basilicata belicht is van Silvia Terribili
Aan de avond werken mee: Nello Allocca, Roberto Bacchilega, Sebastiano Gentile, Michela Mazzeo, Barbara Summa, Marina Vizzinisi. Voor meer informatie en


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mount And Blade Native

Playboy Italy (1972) Italian naval

Playboy italia (1972)

Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Watch Bang Bros. For Free

sausage risotto with roasted pumpkin risotto met varkensworst en pompoen

Interrupting the upgrade of Radio Kitchen last week was caused by suicide supply of my computer. He did not puff! Is simply not on.
Yes, it was a bit 'of time I thought I had pushed the power button while but apparently I had not done, because the friend does not turn on. Then try again and he was leaving. And I was beginning to seriously worry about my health mentale.
Poi però la scorsa settimana non si è proprio più acceso.
E l'ho pianto e lo continuo a piangere, perché questo nuovo (elegantissimo, ha un bordino rosso tutto intorno il corpo nero e lucido) ha un sistema operativo così avanzato che gli antichi programmi (legali!) in mio possesso li posso tranquillamente buttare e ricomprare tutte le licenze.
È una gran mafia, mi rendo all'improvviso conto...

Consoliamoci con un bel risotto, che riscalda in questo inverno freddo e pieno di imprevisti.
La mia collezione di salsicce fatta in casa è andata ovviamente a finire in freezer. Ogni tanto ne prendo un paio e ci faccio un condimento per la pasta: con funghi e panna, oppure nel sugo o anche un bel risotto.
Questo risottino richiede davvero poco impegno, e si arricchisce di un avanzo di zucca al forno  che con la sua dolcezza contrasta bene il sapido della salsiccia.

Risotto alla salsiccia con zucca al forno
per 2 persone

200 gr di carnaroli o vialone nano
2 salsicce di maiale a piacere
1 cipolla
1 dito di vino bianco
olio extravergine di oliva
1 noce di burro
3 cucchiai
parmesan salt and pepper
a bit 'of baked pumpkin made by this recipe

Boil a quart at least of water (or broth if you like).
plan Fry the onion in the oil (or butter if you prefer), closed for 15 minutes: over the onion is cooked, the better the result.
When the onion is very soft, add the sausages, skinned and broken into pieces and brown finquando are well cooked, too.
Add rice and toast it with a little wine and then add boiling water (or broth) and cook the rice turning occasionally. Check sale e pepe.
Spegnere il fuoco, aggiungere il burro e parmigiano e meta del mantel care il risotto.
Farlo riposare con il coperchio sulla pentola, servirlo poi nei piatti di caldi coronato fettine di Zucca (riscaldate) e il resto del parmigiano.

~ ~ ~ ~ Dutch

The interruption in the updating of Radio Cucina from the past week was caused by the suicide of the power of my computer. He has not even a puff! left, he's no longer just gone.
Well, since a while I thought it to have button-press, but apparently I did not because he was not on when I am behind my desk sat down. Then I pressed it again and he still went on. And I was beginning to worry about my mental health ...
But last week he no longer.
I mourned him, and continue to mourn for this new computer (a very elegant model, with a dark edge to its glossy black body) has such an advanced operating system I should throw away my old programs and purchase new licenses.
What a mafia, I realize ...

Let us console ourselves with a nice risotto, very warm in this cold winter of unforeseen circumstances.
My homemade pork sausages of course ended up in the freezer. Occasionally I pick two, and I make a sauce for the pasta: with mushrooms and cream, or tomato sauce or perhaps a risotto. This risotto is very
ASY to prepare and is enriched with a leftover pumpkin from oven that is sweet and a nice contrast with the savory sausages.

Risotto with pork sausage and pumpkin from the oven
for 2

200 g Carnaroli or Vialone Nano rice
2 pork sausages
1 onion
a small glass of white wine
oil extra virgin
1 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons parmigiano
salt and pepper

Put at least one liter of water (or broth if you prefer) to cook.
Stew gently the chopped onion in the oil (or butter if you prefer) for about 15 mins: Gaarder how the onion, the better the result.
Once the onion is well softened, add the peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bsausages and cook them until the meat is golden brown and cooked through.
Add the rice, let it warm through the fat, then moisten with the wine. Add bits to bits of hot water (or broth) toe en blijf roeren totdat de rijst gaar is. Breng op smaak met peper e n zout.
Draai het vuur uit, voeg de boter en de helft van de parmigiano toe en roer ze goed door de risotto (dit heet 'mantecatura'), totdat de rijst mooi smeuïg.
Zet de deksel op de pan en laat de risotto 5 minuten rusten, daarna serveer de risotto in warme borden met een kroon van opgewarmde plakjes pompoen en de rest van de parmigiano.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Many Different Combinations Of 8 Letters

Lines (1943)

Linee navali italiane (1943)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Red Dots On Throat And Roof Of Mouth


I benefici della lana e del legno di cirmolo uniti in un cuscino a doppia camera: è imbottito con pura lana ed ha un cuore di trucioli di legno di cirmolo.

La lana rende il cuscino soffice ed ha proprietà termoregolatrici e igroscopiche (lo sapevi che un adulto traspira durante la notte quasi 0,3 litri di liquido di cui la maggior parte dalla testa?)

Il cirmolo rilassa e abbassa il ritmo cardiaco : ciò rende il sonno più ristoratore e benefico. Con il tempo e con l'uso il legno perderà progressivamente il suo profumo, ma è sufficiente re-integrarlo aggiungendo del purissimo olio di cirmolo.

Il cirmolo proviene dai forests of South Tyrol.
The wool from sheep raised in South Tyrol, picked and carded by hand using traditional methods and craftsmanship.

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The ideal playmate and a good rest for your children. Horse unbleached cotton, filled with pine shavings and 100% natural wool mane pecora.La may be pink for girls or blue for babies.

ONLY Euro 24.50 VAT included

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oakesandnichols Funeral Home

boar stew with quince Gestoofde zwijn met wilde kweepeer

È inverno, fa freddo, cosa c'è di meglio di uno spezzatino?
Dal mio spacciatore di carne ho comprato una bella confezione di spezzatino di cinghiale. Cinghiale "nostrano", cioè di quelli uccisi dalla forestale del parco nazionale del Veluwe in quanto questi simpatici animaletti si trovano così bene nel parco che si riproducono come conigli. Anche ai cervi succede lo stesso, e io, grazie al mio spacciatore di fiducia, riesco ad acquistarne un po'. Ma ogni pezzo me lo devo controllare e rigirare un paio di volte tra le dita, perché ogni tanto succede che ci trovo qualche pallino da caccia: un po' duretto sotto i denti!

Spezzatino di cinghiale con la mela cotogna

1 kg polpa di cinghiale
1 cipolla
1/2 sedano rapa (detto anche sedano di Verona), a seconda della grandezza anche di meno
2 carote
2 cucchiai di polpa di pomodoro
1/2 mela cotogna
1 cucchiaino di granelli di pepe garofanato (in inglese all spice - se no, 1 chiodo di garofano, 1 pezzettino di cannella, 1 pezzettino di noce moscata, il tutto in un filtro da thè di metallo, così che non vada a spasso nella carne e non ve li ritrovate sotto ai denti)
1 pizzichino di peperoncino
sale e pepe

Riguardare bene ogni pezzetto di carne, eliminare eventuali pellicine o grassetti esagerati, tagliare se necessario in pezzettini della stessa grandezza e rosolare in small amounts in a knob of butter in a frying pan. Place the browned meat in a cast iron pot for stews and add the vegetables cut into small cubes, quince, peeled and cored, tomatoes, spices including pepper and if necessary, add boiling water to flush the flesh.
Cook on low heat for a couple of hours or finquando the flesh is soft.
Season with salt and pepper and serve with a nice puree made with potatoes and half of celery root and roasted mixed vegetables (carrots, parsnips, white beets, shallots) served with olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh sage.

Notes Marina:
of this stew I made double the amount indicated above: we have eaten in 4 people, a portion I used to season the pasta and there are 4 servings in the freezer waiting for me at the end a cold, dark day at work. The apple is there
beautifully with the pork and quince has added a very nice sweet and sour to the dish.

~ ~ ~ ~ Nederlands

Het is winter, Kouda het is, wat is er beter dan een stoofpotje?
Bij \u200b\u200bmijn vleesdealer heb ik een mooi pakketje verse wilde zwijngoulash purchased. "Local" pigs, by the overseers of the national park the Veluwe fired, because this sweet little animals find it so nice in the park that they like bunnies vermenivuldigen. The same happens with the deer and I, thanks to my dealer, I buy it. But each piece of meat I must carefully monitor and a couple of times to run my fingers, because sometimes I find a ball: a little too hard under your choice!

wild boar stew with quince

1 kg of fresh wild boar goulash
onion 1 1 / 2 celeriac, more or less depending its size
2 carrots 2 tablespoons chopped canned tomatoes
1 / 2 teaspoon allspice 1
quince berries (in English all spice - if not available, add 1 clove, 1 piece cinnamon stick, a little nutmeg in a tea egg, so you can easily remove all the herbs in the serving of the court)
a pinch of chili pepper
butter salt and pepper

check each piece of meat, remove any membranes or excess fat, cut larger pieces and smaller fry in small portions in a little butter in a frying pan. Doe het aangebakken vlees in een gietijzeren pan voor stoofgerechten en voeg de groenten toe die in kleine blokjes zijn gesneden, de kweepeer geschild en zonder kern, de tomaten, de kruiden inclusief de chili peper en indien nodig voeg genoeg heet water toe dat het vlees net eronder staat.
Stoof op zacht vuur voor een paar uur of totdat het vlees zacht is.
Controleer op peper en zout en serveer met een purée gemaakt van aardappelen en de overgebleven knolselderij en gemengde groenten uit de oven (wortels, pastinaak, witte bietjes, sjalotjes) aangemaakt met olijfolie, peper, zout en verse salie.

Noten van Marina:
Van dit stoofpotje heb ik een dubbele hoeveelheid gemaakt dan hierboven aangegeven. We hebben er met z'n vieren van gegeten, 1 portie heb ik gebruikt om heerlijke verse pappardelle aan te maken en heb nog 4 porties in de freezer die wachten om mij te troosten aan het einde van een koude en donkere werkdag.
Appels passen heel goed bij varkensvlees en de kweepeer heeft een zeer aangenaam zoetje en zuurtje aan het gerecht toegevoegd.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fold Underbed Treadmill

Amstrad PPC (1988)

Amstrad PC Portatile (1988)

I remember having gotten their hands for a few days ago, when if he bought his friend Marcello N. which pioneered the introduction of information technology in secondary schools, which involved me in activities for several years as 'expert'.
The screen was a green - putrid water hard to forget; assembly, with the video which was closed and the keyboard tray that served as cover, was, though cumbersome, very practical, with side handle transportation well studied.

The text says:
Powerful and light. ALSO IN THE PRICE.
A great PC has been "packaged" in just 45 cm. long, 10 high and 23 deep. And much, much too light in price, as you can see.
Choose your laptop between range Amstrad PPC IBM XT-compatible and a complete office will follow you everywhere. Five different power options, IBM AT type keyboard Italian keyboard and LCD screen at 102 80x25 rows high readability (supertwist) adjustable in inclination and intensity contrast. And your view does not get tired. Each Amstrad PPC includes the operating system MS-DOS 3.3, software for personal organization with: Word Processor, calendar, address book, memos, and calculator. And some models have also il Modem incorporato. Ti pare poco?
Se vuoi saperne di più su questi eccezionali modelli telefona allo 02/26410511.
Disponibili presso i numerosissimi punti vendita Amstrad. Cerca quello più vicino su "Amstrad Magazine" in edicola.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wooden Playsets On Sale

Tozzetti honey Honingkoekjes

I tozzetti al miele sono dei biscotti che in qualche modo appartengono alla mia infanzia, ma di cui non ho nessunissimo ricordo visivo o gustativo.
Qualche anno fa, quando ho provato questa recipe (taken from the forum Coquinaria ), I had an olfactory memory. That is, when it is given off by the smell of baked these cookies, I had an immense feeling of home, mother, grandmother, I do not know either. A feeling of confidence, security, warmth.
I do not know them that my mother ever made, but who knows, maybe when I was too young to remember.
The funny thing is that I riviene this strange but wonderful feeling every time I make them ...

Tozzetti honey

Mix the same amount of honey, farina e frutta secca (nocciole, mandorle, pistacchi, noci, quello che si ha), formare dei filoncini e metterli sulla teglia del forno preriscaldato a 180 °C. Dopo 20 minuti circa tirarli fuori, farli freddare un pochino e poi tagliarli a fettine e rimetterli nel forno a 140 °C, come i cantucci.

Attansio' ai denti, so' duretti ma non friabili.

~~~~ Nederlands

Deze honingkoekjes horen op de ene of andere manier tot mijn kinderjaren, maar ik heb er totaal geen enkele herinnering wat vorm en smaak betreft.
Een few years ago, when I tried this recipe (from Cooking Forum coquinaria ), I recall had a scent. I mean, at the time of the oven the smell of those cookies by the house has spread, I had a wonderful sense of home, mom, grandma, I know it myself not so good. A sense of security, safety, warmth.
I can not remember all this if my mother ever baked cookies, but who knows, maybe I was too young to remember me.
The funny thing is, when I bake them again, I get the same feeling fine ...

Honey Biscuits

Meng dezelfde hoeveelheid honing, bloem en noten (hazelnoten, amandelen, pistaches, walnoten, wat je maar hebt), maak dunne worstjes van het deeg en leg ze op de bakplaat in de voorverwarmde oven op 180 °C. Na circa 20 minuten haal de bakplaat eruit, laat de worstjes wat afkoelen en snijd ze in plakjes. Plaats ze weer terug in de oven voor 10 minuten op 140 °C, zoals met cantuccini.

Let op je tanden: de koekjes zijn hard en taai.