Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Watch Bang Bros. For Free

sausage risotto with roasted pumpkin risotto met varkensworst en pompoen

Interrupting the upgrade of Radio Kitchen last week was caused by suicide supply of my computer. He did not puff! Is simply not on.
Yes, it was a bit 'of time I thought I had pushed the power button while but apparently I had not done, because the friend does not turn on. Then try again and he was leaving. And I was beginning to seriously worry about my health mentale.
Poi però la scorsa settimana non si è proprio più acceso.
E l'ho pianto e lo continuo a piangere, perché questo nuovo (elegantissimo, ha un bordino rosso tutto intorno il corpo nero e lucido) ha un sistema operativo così avanzato che gli antichi programmi (legali!) in mio possesso li posso tranquillamente buttare e ricomprare tutte le licenze.
È una gran mafia, mi rendo all'improvviso conto...

Consoliamoci con un bel risotto, che riscalda in questo inverno freddo e pieno di imprevisti.
La mia collezione di salsicce fatta in casa è andata ovviamente a finire in freezer. Ogni tanto ne prendo un paio e ci faccio un condimento per la pasta: con funghi e panna, oppure nel sugo o anche un bel risotto.
Questo risottino richiede davvero poco impegno, e si arricchisce di un avanzo di zucca al forno  che con la sua dolcezza contrasta bene il sapido della salsiccia.

Risotto alla salsiccia con zucca al forno
per 2 persone

200 gr di carnaroli o vialone nano
2 salsicce di maiale a piacere
1 cipolla
1 dito di vino bianco
olio extravergine di oliva
1 noce di burro
3 cucchiai
parmesan salt and pepper
a bit 'of baked pumpkin made by this recipe

Boil a quart at least of water (or broth if you like).
plan Fry the onion in the oil (or butter if you prefer), closed for 15 minutes: over the onion is cooked, the better the result.
When the onion is very soft, add the sausages, skinned and broken into pieces and brown finquando are well cooked, too.
Add rice and toast it with a little wine and then add boiling water (or broth) and cook the rice turning occasionally. Check sale e pepe.
Spegnere il fuoco, aggiungere il burro e parmigiano e meta del mantel care il risotto.
Farlo riposare con il coperchio sulla pentola, servirlo poi nei piatti di caldi coronato fettine di Zucca (riscaldate) e il resto del parmigiano.

~ ~ ~ ~ Dutch

The interruption in the updating of Radio Cucina from the past week was caused by the suicide of the power of my computer. He has not even a puff! left, he's no longer just gone.
Well, since a while I thought it to have button-press, but apparently I did not because he was not on when I am behind my desk sat down. Then I pressed it again and he still went on. And I was beginning to worry about my mental health ...
But last week he no longer.
I mourned him, and continue to mourn for this new computer (a very elegant model, with a dark edge to its glossy black body) has such an advanced operating system I should throw away my old programs and purchase new licenses.
What a mafia, I realize ...

Let us console ourselves with a nice risotto, very warm in this cold winter of unforeseen circumstances.
My homemade pork sausages of course ended up in the freezer. Occasionally I pick two, and I make a sauce for the pasta: with mushrooms and cream, or tomato sauce or perhaps a risotto. This risotto is very
ASY to prepare and is enriched with a leftover pumpkin from oven that is sweet and a nice contrast with the savory sausages.

Risotto with pork sausage and pumpkin from the oven
for 2

200 g Carnaroli or Vialone Nano rice
2 pork sausages
1 onion
a small glass of white wine
oil extra virgin
1 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons parmigiano
salt and pepper

Put at least one liter of water (or broth if you prefer) to cook.
Stew gently the chopped onion in the oil (or butter if you prefer) for about 15 mins: Gaarder how the onion, the better the result.
Once the onion is well softened, add the peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bsausages and cook them until the meat is golden brown and cooked through.
Add the rice, let it warm through the fat, then moisten with the wine. Add bits to bits of hot water (or broth) toe en blijf roeren totdat de rijst gaar is. Breng op smaak met peper e n zout.
Draai het vuur uit, voeg de boter en de helft van de parmigiano toe en roer ze goed door de risotto (dit heet 'mantecatura'), totdat de rijst mooi smeuïg.
Zet de deksel op de pan en laat de risotto 5 minuten rusten, daarna serveer de risotto in warme borden met een kroon van opgewarmde plakjes pompoen en de rest van de parmigiano.


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