Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thank You For Hosting The Wedding

Conversations Culinary School Italy Conversatiecursus Culinaire over onderwerpen bij School Italy

Come già Sapete strong, Scuola d'Italia è l'attività didattica della Fondazione Culturale Quelli di Astaroth , oltre che anche alla Scuola gestisce Radio Onda Italiana e il Gruppo di Quelli Teatrale Astaroth.

Scuola d'Italia propone una gamma di corsi di lingua selezionata, sia per imparare the Italian and Dutch, both grammar and conversation. It also organizes some cultural courses, such as theater classes (great for learning how to melt when it comes to public speaking).

In January, he offered a course of metaphysical conversations, that is a course to develop fluency in Italian speaking of philosophical arguments. The only requirement for inclusion, however, seems to have been that of an Italian resident here, had not understood that this was a course for foreigners.
But when I made jokes that metaphysics is not eating, but maybe a course in culinary conversations might be more successful, his friend Roberto me immediatamente preso in parola e proposto di dimostrare quanto affermato.

E quindi dal 22 marzo ogni martedì pomeriggio dalle 18 alle 19.20 per 5 settimane terrò un corso di conversazione per avanzati dove invece di discutere di letteratura, politica, arte e dei massimi sistemi, stimolerò i partecipanti a parlare di tematiche legate al cibo e alla cucina.
Parleremo dei prodotti alimentari tipici italiani, dove e come vengono prodotti, cosa ci si può fare in cucina, quali sono i piatti tipici, come leggere il menu di un ristorante e tutti gli argomenti attinenti che i partecipanti vorranno proporre. E magari assaggiamo anche qualcosa di particolare.
L'ultima lezione, that of April 19, coincides with my radio. The lecture will take place then in radio.

You need to dissolve a bit 'to speak Italian, especially in view of the arrival of summer and dell'agognata holiday in Italy? Go
Sunday, March 6 between 13 and 17 to School Italy, Sint Jansstraat 37 (behind the Dam) , because I'll be there to give information.
If I want to write, you can send me an e-mail address .
Do not wait too long to register, there are many places around my table.

~~~~~ Nederlands

As you may already know, Scuola d'Italia the small school of the Italian Cultural Foundation Quelli di Astaroth , alongside the Scuola also Radio Onda Italiana and Theatre Quelli di Astaroth care.

Scuola d'Italia offers a selection of language courses for Italian and Dutch, not only the grammar easy to learn but to learn to speak the language. Furthermore, culture courses are also organized, such as an acting course (which is very handy if you smoothly To speak to an audience).

January this year we had a philosophical conversation courses offered. That was a conversation course where, to improve your speaking, about filofische topics were discussed. The only interested proved to be an Italian who did not notice it was an Italian course for foreigners.
When I suggested to the philosophy that you can not eat, but maybe a culinary course a little more conversation could be interesting, has friend Roberto nailed me right on my words and challenged to prove it.

So from March 22 to 18 every Tuesday afternoon from 19.20 hours for 5 weeks I keep a conversation course for advanced I rather to talk about literature, politics, art and astracte world systems, the participants will encourage to discuss issues related to eating and drinking.
We're talking about typical Italian products, where and how they are constructed, what you can do in the kitchen, which has traditional Italian dishes, how to read a menu and any related subjects that the students themselves bring. And maybe we have something special tests.
The last lesson, that of April 19, coincides with my radio show. The lesson will therefore take place in radio. Want

wat soepeltjes in het Italiaans babbelen voordat je straks voor de zomervakantie naar Italië afreist?
Kom zondag 6 maart tussen 13 en 17 uur langs bij Scuola d'Italia , Sint Jansstraat 37 (achter de Dam) , want ik zal daar aanwezig zijn om informatie te geven.
Als je de info per e-mail wil aanvragen, schrijf naar .
Wacht niet te lang als je je wil inschrijven, want er is een beperkt aantal plaatsen aan mijn tafel.


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