Fa un accidenti di freddo, è umido e la nebbia mi avvolge le finestre come se le avessero ricoperte con delle lenzuola bianche.
Il panorama di Amsterdam che mi godo 4 giorni alla settimana dal 17mo piano dell’ufficio, è scomparso.
I want soleeeeee!
But apparently no one hears me.
After the holidays, the market is a tragedy: my favorites dealers go away on holiday and banks that remain have only frozen fruit and vegetables and a half run.
We have to make a virtue of necessity.
This recipe is an adaptation of a published many years ago on magazine Dutch supermarket Albert Heijn. Honestly, at that time I did not have spun all. Then, one cold winter night years ago an acquaintance told me that the Dutch would have cooked this recipe, parrying his hands saying that I would not be proprio piaciuto ma che lui e la moglie erano olandesi e questi sapori li apprezzavano. Mwah, è stata la mia reazione.
Poi un amico olandese ha presentato la ricetta sul suo blog, fotografata passo passo...
Anche qui la mia reazione è stata proprio freddina.
Ma ad un certo punto, trovandomi ridotta ad avere solo crauti e patate come ingredienti di stagione, mi sono decisa a provarla, ovviamente rivedendo e correggendo il tutto.
Sformato di crauti con carne speziata (versione di Marina)
(per 4 persone – oppure per 2 cene di 2 persone, visto che si può riscaldare molto facilmente)
1 kg patate farinose da purè
500 gr carne di agnello speziata con le spezie per shoarma (* vedi note)
2 cipolle grandi
1 bella carotona
1 pizzico di peperoncino in polvere
1 bicchiere di latte
250 gr crauti
50 gr formaggio grattugiato
Pelare e cuocere le patate, scolarle dopo una ventina di minuti.
Cuocere i crauti in un dito d’acqua a fiamma low for about twenty minutes, then squeezing to drain any remaining water.
plan Fry the onions and carrots into small pieces in a little oil until they are completely cooked.
Add the meat, salt and pepper with the chili. Quickly toss with the onions.
Preheat oven to 225 ° C.
Prepare the mashed potatoes with that in the meantime should be prepared with milk and butter.
In a buttered baking dish, spread a layer of meat, and lastly a cabbage to a puree.
Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for 15-20 minutes, until it is done a nice crust!
Marina Notes:
Originally the ingredients were provided 200 ml raisins and sour cream. Eliminate both the raisins because it is not pleasing to my diner fixed and sour cream adds acidity to a dish that already contains a very acidic ingredient. If you really want something creamy, it is better to add a nice scoop of mascarpone cheese to the meat.
source version of the magazine of Albert Heijn using pork spiced with these spices, because the supermarket does not sell the original version which is with the lamb. The flavor of the lamb is not very pleasing all'olandese middle. Per fortuna esistono i Turchi che hanno macellai the real thing.
Le spezie a kebab miscuglio sono un fondamentale di mente a base cumino. C'è della Cannella, chiodi di Garofano, Coriandolo in Quantitative credo di ½ per Ogni cucchiaino cucchiaio bello pieno di cumino.
~~~~~ Dutch
It's freezing cold, it's wet and the fog covered my windows with a white opaque sheet. The panorama of Amsterdam, which I enjoy four days a week from 17nde verdiepieng of my office is gone.
Ik wil de zonnnnnnn!
Maar zo te zien, luistert niemand naar mij.
Na de feestdagen is de markt een drama: mijn favoriete dealers gaan met vakantie en er blijven alleen stalletjes over met half bevroren (en dus verrotten) groente en fruit.
Je moet van nood een deugd maken.
Dit recept is een aanpassing van eentje dat eeuwen geleden op Allerhande is verschenen. Om eerlijk te zijn, was het me te zijner tijd totaal ontgaan. Dan, op een koude wintermiddag, vertelde me een Nederlandse kennis dat hij dit recept ging klaarmaken en probeerde zichzelf al te excuseren voor mijn afkeur door te vertellen dat ik het niet would enjoy it because I'm Italian, but he and his wife were Dutch and used to these flavors. Mwah! Was my reaction.
Then another friend the Dutch recipe presented on his blog, step by step photographs ... Again did not enjoy it much.
But at a certain point I had only sauerkraut and potatoes and seasonal ingredients and have decided to try this dish, adapted as necessary.
sauerkraut with meat kebab (version of Marina)
Ingredients (serves 4 or 2x2 personen – in de zin dat het opgewarmd kan worden):
1 kg aardappelen
500 gr shoarmavlees
2 grote uien
1 winterpeen
1 kleine Spaanse peper
1 à 2 deciliter melk
250 gr zuurkool
50 gr geraspte oude kaas
Schil de aardappelen, spoel ze af, snijd ze in stukken en breng ze in een laagje water aan de kook. Kook de aardappelen tot ze gaar zijn (even prikken na een minuut of 15 à 20) en giet ze dan af.
Breng ondertussen de zuurkool in een klein bodempje water aan de kook en laat dit 20 minuten zachtjes pruttelen.
Bak ook al ondertussen de uien en de geraspte wortel heel zacht en glazig in wat olijfolie. Als ze helemaal gaar zijn, voeg het lamsvlees toe en het Spaanse pepertje.
Ondertussen zouden de 20 minuten kooktijd voor de zuurkool wel zo'n beetje verstreken moeten zijn. Giet eventueel overtollig vocht heel goed af.
Verwarm de oven voor tot 225 graden Celsius.
De aardappelen zijn inmiddels ook wel gaar en afgegoten.
Pureer de aardappelen en klop er de boter en de melk door.
Doe het vlees-uien-wortel-mengsel in een ingevette ovenschaal.
Spreid er de zuurkool op.
Dicht het geheel af met de aardappelpuree.
Strooi de kaas erover en zet de schaal in de oven.
Na een minuutje of 15 à 20 moet er een mooi korstje ontstaan zijn en is de schotel klaar om verslonden te worden!
Noten van Marina:
Oorspronkelijk zaten at the ingredients and raisins 200 ml crème fraîche. I have both left out because my hard blackhead is not like raisins and the sour cream adds an unnecessary element to a dish which has a highly acidic ingredient is processed. If you absolutely want something creamy, you better have a big spoonful of the mascarpone meat.
In the original version of pork shawarma Appie was used. I thought that was strange: a Middle Eastern dish with pork ... Fortunately there are good Turkish butchers the real thing (with lamb) sales.
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