Wednesday, January 12, 2011

пляж нудисти

Capunet Gevulde groene koolbladeren

The recipe for this specialty of Piedmont is very dear to me, because I was given by Elena Comidademama together when we took cooking lessons in Amsterdam back in 2003 AD. We thought a series of regional thematic lessons, and Piemonte Elena has proposed, inter alia, these meatballs of beef wrapped in cabbage leaves. An ideal preparation to develop the dexterity of the students.
this recipe since I made and remade, perhaps 100 times, not only in class but also at home and friends and was always welcome.

Capunét Elena Chesta

For 12 people:

1 large cabbage 1 kg ground

3 spicchi d'aglio
1 bicchiere di latte
4 fette di pane bianco senza crosta
4 uova
100 gr amaretti
6 cucchiai parmigiano grattugiato
sale e pepe
olio d'oliva extravergine

Sfogliare delicatamente la verza e cuocerne le foglie fin quando perdono la rigidità ma non sono troppo cotte. Farle freddare e sgocciolare per bene.

Ammollare il pane nel latte, sbriciolare gli amaretti e ridurre in crema l'aglio nel pestasale.
Unire le uova al macinato, aggiungere il pane sbriciolato, l'aglio, gli amaretti e il parmigiano. Aggiustare di sale e pepare in abbondanza.
Eliminare con un coltellino affilato la nervatura centrale troppo dura delle foglie di verza, close together for the two sides and put a tablespoon of ground coffee. Divide the first around the ground for all the leaves, so as to have equal amount of filling. Roll the cabbage leaves.
Heat a little oil in a skillet or thick-bottomed saucepan and gently put capunet with the opening below.
stove over medium heat for about 20 minutes, first without and then with lid, a lower fire. Turn the
capunet at least once.
add further salt and freshly ground pepper.
Serve hot.
In summer you can do with the flowers.

Notes Marina
course you can change at will with the filling - and I do regolarmente.
Per esempio, gli amaretti tralascio sostituisco e il pane con una patata am schiacciata Lessa (2 cucchiaiate o di pronto pure ...). Anche di un pezzettino zenzero grattugiato e di un Pizzico Cannella ci stan bene, come pure dei bastoncini morbido messi di formaggio di carne rotolino all'interno del ... Ovviamente non si possono più chiamare capunet, ma sono buoni strabuoni!
~~~~~ Dutch

The recipe of this specialty from Piedmont I really loved, because I've got from Elena Comidademama when we were in the distant year 2003 together gave Italian cooking in Amsterdam . We had devised a series of lectures on the theme of the kitchen of a region. Elena had for Piedmont include this proposed beef balls were wrapped in leaves of green cabbage. A perfect recipe for the convenience of encouraging students.
Since then I have this recipe may be cooked to 100 times, not only in lessons but also at home and among friends and everyone was very good.

Stuffed cabbage leaves Elena Chesta
For 12 people:

1 large green cabbage
1 kg g lean ground beef
3 garlic cloves
a glass of milk
4 slices white bread without crust
4 eggs
100 g amaretti (Italian macaroons) without ornamentation
sugar 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Salt
en peper

Trek voorzichtig de bladeren van de groene kool eraf, was ze en blancheer ze. Leg ze te drogen op een theedoek.
Week het brood in de melk en verkruimel de amaretti.
Hak de knoflooktenen heel fijn of pers ze met de knoflookpers.
Meng het gehakt met de eieren, het verkruimelde brood, het knoflook, de amaretti en de parmezaanse kaas. Breng op smaak met zout en flink wat versgemalen peper.
Snijd de harde nerf van de bladeren voorzichtig eraf. Leg de twee helften een beetje op elkaar zodat je weer een hele blad krijgt. Verdeel het gehaktmengsel over alle bladeren, dan rol ze op rond de vulling als een pakketje.
Verwarm een bodempje olijfolie in een passende koekenpan en plaats de koolbladeren erin met the opening at the bottom.
Let the stuffing to cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes, first without and then with lid, at a somewhat lower heat. Turn at least once a
capunet at all.
Add a small pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper.
then very hot.
In summer, this dish made with zucchini flowers.

Nuts Marina
course you wish to vary the filling - and I do regularly.
example, I do not use and replace the amaretti eenfijngeprakte bread with boiled potatoes (or 2 tablespoons ready-made pureeo ...). Also a piece of grated ginger and a pinch of cinnamon taste fit very well with these films, alsook staafjes Jonge kaas verstopt Vlees in het ... Natuurlijk kun je ze niet meer capunet noemen, maar ze zijn wel lekker!


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