Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Watch Bang Bros. For Free

sausage risotto with roasted pumpkin risotto met varkensworst en pompoen

Interrupting the upgrade of Radio Kitchen last week was caused by suicide supply of my computer. He did not puff! Is simply not on.
Yes, it was a bit 'of time I thought I had pushed the power button while but apparently I had not done, because the friend does not turn on. Then try again and he was leaving. And I was beginning to seriously worry about my health mentale.
Poi però la scorsa settimana non si è proprio più acceso.
E l'ho pianto e lo continuo a piangere, perché questo nuovo (elegantissimo, ha un bordino rosso tutto intorno il corpo nero e lucido) ha un sistema operativo così avanzato che gli antichi programmi (legali!) in mio possesso li posso tranquillamente buttare e ricomprare tutte le licenze.
È una gran mafia, mi rendo all'improvviso conto...

Consoliamoci con un bel risotto, che riscalda in questo inverno freddo e pieno di imprevisti.
La mia collezione di salsicce fatta in casa è andata ovviamente a finire in freezer. Ogni tanto ne prendo un paio e ci faccio un condimento per la pasta: con funghi e panna, oppure nel sugo o anche un bel risotto.
Questo risottino richiede davvero poco impegno, e si arricchisce di un avanzo di zucca al forno  che con la sua dolcezza contrasta bene il sapido della salsiccia.

Risotto alla salsiccia con zucca al forno
per 2 persone

200 gr di carnaroli o vialone nano
2 salsicce di maiale a piacere
1 cipolla
1 dito di vino bianco
olio extravergine di oliva
1 noce di burro
3 cucchiai
parmesan salt and pepper
a bit 'of baked pumpkin made by this recipe

Boil a quart at least of water (or broth if you like).
plan Fry the onion in the oil (or butter if you prefer), closed for 15 minutes: over the onion is cooked, the better the result.
When the onion is very soft, add the sausages, skinned and broken into pieces and brown finquando are well cooked, too.
Add rice and toast it with a little wine and then add boiling water (or broth) and cook the rice turning occasionally. Check sale e pepe.
Spegnere il fuoco, aggiungere il burro e parmigiano e meta del mantel care il risotto.
Farlo riposare con il coperchio sulla pentola, servirlo poi nei piatti di caldi coronato fettine di Zucca (riscaldate) e il resto del parmigiano.

~ ~ ~ ~ Dutch

The interruption in the updating of Radio Cucina from the past week was caused by the suicide of the power of my computer. He has not even a puff! left, he's no longer just gone.
Well, since a while I thought it to have button-press, but apparently I did not because he was not on when I am behind my desk sat down. Then I pressed it again and he still went on. And I was beginning to worry about my mental health ...
But last week he no longer.
I mourned him, and continue to mourn for this new computer (a very elegant model, with a dark edge to its glossy black body) has such an advanced operating system I should throw away my old programs and purchase new licenses.
What a mafia, I realize ...

Let us console ourselves with a nice risotto, very warm in this cold winter of unforeseen circumstances.
My homemade pork sausages of course ended up in the freezer. Occasionally I pick two, and I make a sauce for the pasta: with mushrooms and cream, or tomato sauce or perhaps a risotto. This risotto is very
ASY to prepare and is enriched with a leftover pumpkin from oven that is sweet and a nice contrast with the savory sausages.

Risotto with pork sausage and pumpkin from the oven
for 2

200 g Carnaroli or Vialone Nano rice
2 pork sausages
1 onion
a small glass of white wine
oil extra virgin
1 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons parmigiano
salt and pepper

Put at least one liter of water (or broth if you prefer) to cook.
Stew gently the chopped onion in the oil (or butter if you prefer) for about 15 mins: Gaarder how the onion, the better the result.
Once the onion is well softened, add the peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bsausages and cook them until the meat is golden brown and cooked through.
Add the rice, let it warm through the fat, then moisten with the wine. Add bits to bits of hot water (or broth) toe en blijf roeren totdat de rijst gaar is. Breng op smaak met peper e n zout.
Draai het vuur uit, voeg de boter en de helft van de parmigiano toe en roer ze goed door de risotto (dit heet 'mantecatura'), totdat de rijst mooi smeuïg.
Zet de deksel op de pan en laat de risotto 5 minuten rusten, daarna serveer de risotto in warme borden met een kroon van opgewarmde plakjes pompoen en de rest van de parmigiano.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Many Different Combinations Of 8 Letters

Lines (1943)

Linee navali italiane (1943)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Red Dots On Throat And Roof Of Mouth


I benefici della lana e del legno di cirmolo uniti in un cuscino a doppia camera: è imbottito con pura lana ed ha un cuore di trucioli di legno di cirmolo.

La lana rende il cuscino soffice ed ha proprietà termoregolatrici e igroscopiche (lo sapevi che un adulto traspira durante la notte quasi 0,3 litri di liquido di cui la maggior parte dalla testa?)

Il cirmolo rilassa e abbassa il ritmo cardiaco : ciò rende il sonno più ristoratore e benefico. Con il tempo e con l'uso il legno perderà progressivamente il suo profumo, ma è sufficiente re-integrarlo aggiungendo del purissimo olio di cirmolo.

Il cirmolo proviene dai forests of South Tyrol.
The wool from sheep raised in South Tyrol, picked and carded by hand using traditional methods and craftsmanship.

SPECIAL VALENTINE Euro 59,00 instead of € 99.00 including VAT! Each pillow
Welfare is a sign of love!

Best Feed For Horse With Diarrhea


The ideal playmate and a good rest for your children. Horse unbleached cotton, filled with pine shavings and 100% natural wool mane pecora.La may be pink for girls or blue for babies.

ONLY Euro 24.50 VAT included

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oakesandnichols Funeral Home

boar stew with quince Gestoofde zwijn met wilde kweepeer

È inverno, fa freddo, cosa c'è di meglio di uno spezzatino?
Dal mio spacciatore di carne ho comprato una bella confezione di spezzatino di cinghiale. Cinghiale "nostrano", cioè di quelli uccisi dalla forestale del parco nazionale del Veluwe in quanto questi simpatici animaletti si trovano così bene nel parco che si riproducono come conigli. Anche ai cervi succede lo stesso, e io, grazie al mio spacciatore di fiducia, riesco ad acquistarne un po'. Ma ogni pezzo me lo devo controllare e rigirare un paio di volte tra le dita, perché ogni tanto succede che ci trovo qualche pallino da caccia: un po' duretto sotto i denti!

Spezzatino di cinghiale con la mela cotogna

1 kg polpa di cinghiale
1 cipolla
1/2 sedano rapa (detto anche sedano di Verona), a seconda della grandezza anche di meno
2 carote
2 cucchiai di polpa di pomodoro
1/2 mela cotogna
1 cucchiaino di granelli di pepe garofanato (in inglese all spice - se no, 1 chiodo di garofano, 1 pezzettino di cannella, 1 pezzettino di noce moscata, il tutto in un filtro da thè di metallo, così che non vada a spasso nella carne e non ve li ritrovate sotto ai denti)
1 pizzichino di peperoncino
sale e pepe

Riguardare bene ogni pezzetto di carne, eliminare eventuali pellicine o grassetti esagerati, tagliare se necessario in pezzettini della stessa grandezza e rosolare in small amounts in a knob of butter in a frying pan. Place the browned meat in a cast iron pot for stews and add the vegetables cut into small cubes, quince, peeled and cored, tomatoes, spices including pepper and if necessary, add boiling water to flush the flesh.
Cook on low heat for a couple of hours or finquando the flesh is soft.
Season with salt and pepper and serve with a nice puree made with potatoes and half of celery root and roasted mixed vegetables (carrots, parsnips, white beets, shallots) served with olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh sage.

Notes Marina:
of this stew I made double the amount indicated above: we have eaten in 4 people, a portion I used to season the pasta and there are 4 servings in the freezer waiting for me at the end a cold, dark day at work. The apple is there
beautifully with the pork and quince has added a very nice sweet and sour to the dish.

~ ~ ~ ~ Nederlands

Het is winter, Kouda het is, wat is er beter dan een stoofpotje?
Bij \u200b\u200bmijn vleesdealer heb ik een mooi pakketje verse wilde zwijngoulash purchased. "Local" pigs, by the overseers of the national park the Veluwe fired, because this sweet little animals find it so nice in the park that they like bunnies vermenivuldigen. The same happens with the deer and I, thanks to my dealer, I buy it. But each piece of meat I must carefully monitor and a couple of times to run my fingers, because sometimes I find a ball: a little too hard under your choice!

wild boar stew with quince

1 kg of fresh wild boar goulash
onion 1 1 / 2 celeriac, more or less depending its size
2 carrots 2 tablespoons chopped canned tomatoes
1 / 2 teaspoon allspice 1
quince berries (in English all spice - if not available, add 1 clove, 1 piece cinnamon stick, a little nutmeg in a tea egg, so you can easily remove all the herbs in the serving of the court)
a pinch of chili pepper
butter salt and pepper

check each piece of meat, remove any membranes or excess fat, cut larger pieces and smaller fry in small portions in a little butter in a frying pan. Doe het aangebakken vlees in een gietijzeren pan voor stoofgerechten en voeg de groenten toe die in kleine blokjes zijn gesneden, de kweepeer geschild en zonder kern, de tomaten, de kruiden inclusief de chili peper en indien nodig voeg genoeg heet water toe dat het vlees net eronder staat.
Stoof op zacht vuur voor een paar uur of totdat het vlees zacht is.
Controleer op peper en zout en serveer met een purée gemaakt van aardappelen en de overgebleven knolselderij en gemengde groenten uit de oven (wortels, pastinaak, witte bietjes, sjalotjes) aangemaakt met olijfolie, peper, zout en verse salie.

Noten van Marina:
Van dit stoofpotje heb ik een dubbele hoeveelheid gemaakt dan hierboven aangegeven. We hebben er met z'n vieren van gegeten, 1 portie heb ik gebruikt om heerlijke verse pappardelle aan te maken en heb nog 4 porties in de freezer die wachten om mij te troosten aan het einde van een koude en donkere werkdag.
Appels passen heel goed bij varkensvlees en de kweepeer heeft een zeer aangenaam zoetje en zuurtje aan het gerecht toegevoegd.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fold Underbed Treadmill

Amstrad PPC (1988)

Amstrad PC Portatile (1988)

I remember having gotten their hands for a few days ago, when if he bought his friend Marcello N. which pioneered the introduction of information technology in secondary schools, which involved me in activities for several years as 'expert'.
The screen was a green - putrid water hard to forget; assembly, with the video which was closed and the keyboard tray that served as cover, was, though cumbersome, very practical, with side handle transportation well studied.

The text says:
Powerful and light. ALSO IN THE PRICE.
A great PC has been "packaged" in just 45 cm. long, 10 high and 23 deep. And much, much too light in price, as you can see.
Choose your laptop between range Amstrad PPC IBM XT-compatible and a complete office will follow you everywhere. Five different power options, IBM AT type keyboard Italian keyboard and LCD screen at 102 80x25 rows high readability (supertwist) adjustable in inclination and intensity contrast. And your view does not get tired. Each Amstrad PPC includes the operating system MS-DOS 3.3, software for personal organization with: Word Processor, calendar, address book, memos, and calculator. And some models have also il Modem incorporato. Ti pare poco?
Se vuoi saperne di più su questi eccezionali modelli telefona allo 02/26410511.
Disponibili presso i numerosissimi punti vendita Amstrad. Cerca quello più vicino su "Amstrad Magazine" in edicola.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wooden Playsets On Sale

Tozzetti honey Honingkoekjes

I tozzetti al miele sono dei biscotti che in qualche modo appartengono alla mia infanzia, ma di cui non ho nessunissimo ricordo visivo o gustativo.
Qualche anno fa, quando ho provato questa recipe (taken from the forum Coquinaria ), I had an olfactory memory. That is, when it is given off by the smell of baked these cookies, I had an immense feeling of home, mother, grandmother, I do not know either. A feeling of confidence, security, warmth.
I do not know them that my mother ever made, but who knows, maybe when I was too young to remember.
The funny thing is that I riviene this strange but wonderful feeling every time I make them ...

Tozzetti honey

Mix the same amount of honey, farina e frutta secca (nocciole, mandorle, pistacchi, noci, quello che si ha), formare dei filoncini e metterli sulla teglia del forno preriscaldato a 180 °C. Dopo 20 minuti circa tirarli fuori, farli freddare un pochino e poi tagliarli a fettine e rimetterli nel forno a 140 °C, come i cantucci.

Attansio' ai denti, so' duretti ma non friabili.

~~~~ Nederlands

Deze honingkoekjes horen op de ene of andere manier tot mijn kinderjaren, maar ik heb er totaal geen enkele herinnering wat vorm en smaak betreft.
Een few years ago, when I tried this recipe (from Cooking Forum coquinaria ), I recall had a scent. I mean, at the time of the oven the smell of those cookies by the house has spread, I had a wonderful sense of home, mom, grandma, I know it myself not so good. A sense of security, safety, warmth.
I can not remember all this if my mother ever baked cookies, but who knows, maybe I was too young to remember me.
The funny thing is, when I bake them again, I get the same feeling fine ...

Honey Biscuits

Meng dezelfde hoeveelheid honing, bloem en noten (hazelnoten, amandelen, pistaches, walnoten, wat je maar hebt), maak dunne worstjes van het deeg en leg ze op de bakplaat in de voorverwarmde oven op 180 °C. Na circa 20 minuten haal de bakplaat eruit, laat de worstjes wat afkoelen en snijd ze in plakjes. Plaats ze weer terug in de oven voor 10 minuten op 140 °C, zoals met cantuccini.

Let op je tanden: de koekjes zijn hard en taai.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Colors That Go With Orange And Brown Bathroom

Tuesday, January 18 on Radio Onda Italian Dinsdag 18 januari op Radio Onda Italian

Dopo aver fatto la scorsa settimana un giro di danza e di giocoleria, ritorna il cibo come protagonista in questa puntata di Radio Onda Italiana . Ce ne andiamo in Italia, più precisamente in Piemonte, e vi farò ascoltare alcune interviste che sicuramente vi faranno venir voglia di partire subito alla volta di questa splendida regione.
Ascolteremo Mauro Carbone, responsabile dell' ATL Langhe e Roero , che ci spiegherà perché bisogna andare in Piemonte ed in particolare nelle Langhe e nel Roero; Alberto Cirio, Assessore Regionale al Turismo e Presidente della Fiera Internazionale del Tartufo bianco di Alba , che ci parlerà di questo tubero profumato e prezioso; i fratelli Giorgio e Natale Romagnolo, trifulai, cioè cercatori professionali di tartufi; Luca Bevilacqua, maitre del ristorante Ai Cavalieri del Monferrato di Rosignano Monferrato, che ci passerà la ricetta di una terrina di galletto e le proporzioni perfette per la sfoglia degli agnolotti.

Ecco i dati e i link per gli ascoltatori: dalle 20 alle 21 per il programma in lingua italiana su Salto Wereld FM e dalle 21 alle 22 per il programma in lingua olandese su Salto Stads FM .
Per ascoltare questa puntata in un altro momento, ma entro il 17 marzo, seguite questo link per l'italiano e questo link per l'olandese .

Non vi spaventate se all'inizio della trasmissione italiana sentite parlare in olandese: è il giornale radio che ci rosicchia 3 minuti di trasmissione.
~~~~ Nederlands

Dinsdagavond op  Radio Onda Italiana  gaan we het weer hebben over lekker eten en drinken.
Voor de luisteraars die van plan zijn om binnenkort naar Rome te gaan, bijvoorbeeld voor de voorjaarsvakantie, ga ik een aantal van mijn favoriete adresjes verklappen, om lekker koffie te drinken, een stukje pizza uit het vuistje te eten of een ijsje. Maar ook leuke markten, restaurantjes en bezienswaardigheden hastige the tourists often stop buying them.
Put forward pen and paper ready next to your radio (or computer) to write down everything.
If you have some information on paper (Ehmm, I mean, if a pdf) to receive, send me a message to the attention of Vizzinisi Marina.

a moment to listen to the broadcast, but before 17 maart, volg deze link voor het Italiaans en deze link voor het Nederlands .

Wees niet ongerust als je voor aanvang van mijn uitzending een radio journaal hoort: het is het nieuws voor de stad en duurt maar 3 minuten.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Son Wearing Leotard

Mirafiori Fiat 131 (1974)

Fiat 131 Mirafiori (1974)
La nuova 1300/1600
Bella e con tanta sostanza
Robusta e sicura perché semplice
Qualunque meccanico ci sa mettere le mani
Ha molta ripresa e consuma poco
Tra 10 anni la cambierete con un'altra 131 mirafiori
Se lo chiedete a qualcuno, vi dirà: la 131!
Una macchina così sono soldi spesi bene

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Can You Get Aspiration Pneumonia From Water?

Perfetti, Brooklyn - the rubber of bridge (1971)

Perfetti - Gomma del Ponte (1971)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Undo A Game Update The Sims 3

red lentil soup Rode linzensoep

Fa freddo, è umido, insomma è inverno e ancora non se ne parla di arrivare in ufficio con la luce del giorno e di uscirne che è ancora chiaro. Ma si è capito che sono meteopatica?
Questa zuppetta qua l'ho copiata spudoratamente da Alex , con le solite variazioni da disponibilità di dispensa e la faccio regolarmente, as it is ready in less than half an hour (peeled lentils alive!), is pretty spicy and warm the soul and the gut.

red lentil soup

a handful of red lentils per person
peeled 1 small stalk of celery (or a slice of celeriac)
1 or 2 carrots according to their size and quantity of lentils
1 teaspoon ground coriander seeds
1 teaspoon ground cumin seeds 2 onions
or a teaspoon of chili paste, Thai green curry
olive oil virgin

Wash lentils. Clean the carrots and celery (celeriac) and dice. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a pan, add the coriander, cumin, chili or Thai curry paste and fry. Add lentils and vegetables (except onions). Cook for a few minutes before adding a glass of water sufficient to cover all of at least 3 fingers. Simmer over low heat for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Towards the end of cooking, when the water is all absorbed and lentils are soft, add the chopped green onions a rondelle, e mangiare Bollente salar.
Ci stand bene anche di qualche fogliolina Coriandolo fresco.

~ ~ ~ ~ Dutch

It is cold and moist, it's winter and it will take a long time before I morning the enter my office with daylight and at night with daylight outcomes. I am very zonsafhankelijk ...
this soup, I shamelessly copied from Alex, and I have done the usual adjustments, depending on the availability of the ingredients in my pantry. I cook regularly, as it is done within half an hour (long live red lentils!), It is nice and spicy and the heat your soul and your stomach.

Red lentil soup

a handful of red lentils per person
1 small stalk celery (or a slice of celery root)
1 o 2 carrots, depending on their size and quantity lentils
1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 scallions
chilli or one level teaspoon Thai green curry paste
extra virgin olive oil salt

Wash lentils. Wash and clean the root (s) and the bleach or celeriac, cut everything into small cubes. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a pan, add the coriander, cumin, chili pepper or curry paste and allow to cook gently. Add the lentils and vegetables (except spring onions). Allow a few minutes then cover with water, bake at least 3 above the finger-released ingredients. Let the soup cook on low heat with lid on for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
By the end of cooking, as water is absorbed and lentils are tender, add the sliced \u200b\u200bspring onions and salt if necessary. A few fresh coriander leaves are also tasty.
Eat the soup hot.

Slapped On The Bare Bum

Birra Peroni (1974)

Birra Peroni (1974)

Ma questa bella (birra) bionda ve la ricordate?
A me è tornata in mente solo rivedendo la pubblicità (dello Studio Testa).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Where To Buy A Singlet In Toronto

Verbatim data storage (1992)

Verbatim Media (1992) rid15
Il testo dice:
Always store your valuables in a safe place.
On Verbatim data storage products. They start out backed by a complete Verbatim warranty. And then they get better.
For example, our DataLife Colors disks let you color-code your files for convenience and added security.
Our Teflon-coated DataLifePlus disks let you wipe off fingerprints, dust, even pencil shavings. Without wiping out information.
Our 5.25-Inch and 3.5-Inch Rewritable Optical Disks are virtually incapable of losing data. Plus, they both have enormous storage capacities.
And our data cartridges, high density data cassettes, data certified 8mm/4mm data cartridges, and reel tapes live up to the same impeccable safety standards we've set with our disks.
So next time, ask for Verbatim. And get the name you can't lose with.

Mettete sempre le vostre cose di valore in un posto sicuro.
Su prodotti di immagazzinamento dati della Verbatim. Cominciano con un'assicurazione completa garantita da Verbatim e poi continuano ancora meglio.
Per esempio, i nostri dischi DataLife Colors vi permettono di archiviare i vostri dati con un codice-colore, per comodità e per ulteriore sicurezza.
I nostri dischi DataLifePlus ricoperti con Teflon vi permettono di ripulire impronte di dita, polvere e anche trucioli di lapis. Senza eliminare i dati.
I nostri Dischi Ottici Riscrivibili da 5.25" e da 3.5" sono virtualmente incapaci di perdere dati e inoltre hanno entrambi un'enorme capacità di archiviazione.
E i nostri data cartridges, le cassette ad alta densità, le cartucce dati certificate da 8mm/4mm e i nastri in bobine sono all'altezza degli stessi standard di sicurezza che abbiamo fissato per i nostri dischi.
Allora, la prossima volta chiedete Verbatim. E avrete il marchio con cui non potrete perdere.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

пляж нудисти

Capunet Gevulde groene koolbladeren

The recipe for this specialty of Piedmont is very dear to me, because I was given by Elena Comidademama together when we took cooking lessons in Amsterdam back in 2003 AD. We thought a series of regional thematic lessons, and Piemonte Elena has proposed, inter alia, these meatballs of beef wrapped in cabbage leaves. An ideal preparation to develop the dexterity of the students.
this recipe since I made and remade, perhaps 100 times, not only in class but also at home and friends and was always welcome.

Capunét Elena Chesta

For 12 people:

1 large cabbage 1 kg ground

3 spicchi d'aglio
1 bicchiere di latte
4 fette di pane bianco senza crosta
4 uova
100 gr amaretti
6 cucchiai parmigiano grattugiato
sale e pepe
olio d'oliva extravergine

Sfogliare delicatamente la verza e cuocerne le foglie fin quando perdono la rigidità ma non sono troppo cotte. Farle freddare e sgocciolare per bene.

Ammollare il pane nel latte, sbriciolare gli amaretti e ridurre in crema l'aglio nel pestasale.
Unire le uova al macinato, aggiungere il pane sbriciolato, l'aglio, gli amaretti e il parmigiano. Aggiustare di sale e pepare in abbondanza.
Eliminare con un coltellino affilato la nervatura centrale troppo dura delle foglie di verza, close together for the two sides and put a tablespoon of ground coffee. Divide the first around the ground for all the leaves, so as to have equal amount of filling. Roll the cabbage leaves.
Heat a little oil in a skillet or thick-bottomed saucepan and gently put capunet with the opening below.
stove over medium heat for about 20 minutes, first without and then with lid, a lower fire. Turn the
capunet at least once.
add further salt and freshly ground pepper.
Serve hot.
In summer you can do with the flowers.

Notes Marina
course you can change at will with the filling - and I do regolarmente.
Per esempio, gli amaretti tralascio sostituisco e il pane con una patata am schiacciata Lessa (2 cucchiaiate o di pronto pure ...). Anche di un pezzettino zenzero grattugiato e di un Pizzico Cannella ci stan bene, come pure dei bastoncini morbido messi di formaggio di carne rotolino all'interno del ... Ovviamente non si possono più chiamare capunet, ma sono buoni strabuoni!
~~~~~ Dutch

The recipe of this specialty from Piedmont I really loved, because I've got from Elena Comidademama when we were in the distant year 2003 together gave Italian cooking in Amsterdam . We had devised a series of lectures on the theme of the kitchen of a region. Elena had for Piedmont include this proposed beef balls were wrapped in leaves of green cabbage. A perfect recipe for the convenience of encouraging students.
Since then I have this recipe may be cooked to 100 times, not only in lessons but also at home and among friends and everyone was very good.

Stuffed cabbage leaves Elena Chesta
For 12 people:

1 large green cabbage
1 kg g lean ground beef
3 garlic cloves
a glass of milk
4 slices white bread without crust
4 eggs
100 g amaretti (Italian macaroons) without ornamentation
sugar 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese Salt
en peper

Trek voorzichtig de bladeren van de groene kool eraf, was ze en blancheer ze. Leg ze te drogen op een theedoek.
Week het brood in de melk en verkruimel de amaretti.
Hak de knoflooktenen heel fijn of pers ze met de knoflookpers.
Meng het gehakt met de eieren, het verkruimelde brood, het knoflook, de amaretti en de parmezaanse kaas. Breng op smaak met zout en flink wat versgemalen peper.
Snijd de harde nerf van de bladeren voorzichtig eraf. Leg de twee helften een beetje op elkaar zodat je weer een hele blad krijgt. Verdeel het gehaktmengsel over alle bladeren, dan rol ze op rond de vulling als een pakketje.
Verwarm een bodempje olijfolie in een passende koekenpan en plaats de koolbladeren erin met the opening at the bottom.
Let the stuffing to cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes, first without and then with lid, at a somewhat lower heat. Turn at least once a
capunet at all.
Add a small pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper.
then very hot.
In summer, this dish made with zucchini flowers.

Nuts Marina
course you wish to vary the filling - and I do regularly.
example, I do not use and replace the amaretti eenfijngeprakte bread with boiled potatoes (or 2 tablespoons ready-made pureeo ...). Also a piece of grated ginger and a pinch of cinnamon taste fit very well with these films, alsook staafjes Jonge kaas verstopt Vlees in het ... Natuurlijk kun je ze niet meer capunet noemen, maar ze zijn wel lekker!

Salary Of Ccie In Dubai 2010

disks Kao (1993)

Kao disks (1993)

Come già detto in altri post, la corsa a vendere una scatola di dischetti si faceva anche regalandone uno in più, magari con un gioco, una demo o un concorso.

Il testo dice:
three more reasons to try the
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Monday, January 10, 2011

Adobe Digital How Much

Tuesday 11 January on Radio Onda Italian Dinsdag 11 januari op Radio Onda Italian Doughnuts

point a little 'special, this Radio Onda Italian , why not talk about food (or we're not on a diet after the holidays? Hmm ...) but of particular forms of artistic expression.
our microphones will Cicolani Gaia, a young Italian dancer who is in these weeks to be trained in the Codarts in Rotterdam. Gaia will tell us of his great passion for dance.

Spoffin And remember, the festival of street theater that was held in Amersfoort in late August? Finally, I will listen to the interview Emilia Taurisano and Leo Christians.

Here are the data and links for listeners: from 20 to 21 for the program in Italian on Salto Wereld FM and from 21 to 22 for the program on Dutch Jump Stads FM.
To listen to this show at another time, but no later than March 10, follow this link for Italian questo link e francese per l'.

spaventate Non vi se all'inizio della trasmissione italiana sentite Parlar in francese: il Giornale radio è che ci rosicchia 3 minuti di trasmissione.

~ ~ ~ ~ Dutch

From 21 to 22 hours we with Radio Onda Italiana a preview on the following holidays in Italy, as these week in Utrecht Vakantiebeurs held.

a moment to listen to the broadcast, but before March 10, follow this link for the Italian and this link for Dutch .

Do not worry if you start to hear my radio news broadcast: It's the news for the city and takes only 3 minutes.


Effective Glutathione

ILVA (1943)

ILVA (1943)

The ILVA is a corporation of the Riva Group, which is mainly engaged in production and processing capacity. Under the name of the original company founded in 1905, was born on the ashes of abandoned Italsider. Named after the Latin name of the island, from which he extracted the iron ore that fueled the first blast furnace built in Italy in the late nineteenth century.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jenna Jameson Stream Movie

wine with anise Ronde wijnkoekjes met anijszaadjes

Racconta mia madre che una volta non si usava mangiare come un dessert conosciamo adesso lo, mentre invece la domenica si usava sgranocchiare qualche ciambellina con l'ultimo bicchiere di vino in attesa del caffè, chiacchierando insieme intorno alla tavola non ancora del tutto sparecchiata.

Ciambelline al vino con l’anice

Per 40 ciambelline:

600 gr farina
130 ml olio d’oliva
150 ml vino bianco
5 cucchiai di zucchero
1 cucchiaio di semi d’anice
1 limone bio
1 bicchiere di latte
altro zucchero extra per glassare le ciambelline
pizzico di bicarbonato o lievito

Impastare la farina con l’olio, il vino, lo zucchero, i semi d’anice e la buccia grattugiata del limone fino ad avere una morbida pasta.
ciambelline formar le di pasta con dei rotolini spessi lungh1 1 cm e 10 cm.
passare le ciambelline piattino fine in un subito con il latte e Dopo un piattino in con lo zucchero. Sist
placca del Mare le ciambelline sulla carta da forno e forno ricoperta cuocere preriscaldato nel forno a 180 ° C per 20 minuti. Far
fred le dare ciambelline servirle e con un vino rosso di Bicchiere leggero.

~~~~~~ Dutch

My mother once said that it was not customary to eat a dessert as we do now, but on Sunday was to round wine biscuits nibbled while a last glass of wine and drank waited for the coffee, talking about the pressure has not been completely cleared table.

round wine biscuits with anise seeds

For 40 cookies:

600 gr flour
130 ml olive oil
150 ml white wine
5 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon anise seeds
1 organic lemon
a glass of milk
extra sugar for the cookies
to decorate a pinch of baking soda or yeast cake

Knead the flour with the oil, wine, sugar, anise seeds and lemon zest until a smooth dough.
sticky rolls of 1 inch thick and cut into pieces of about 10 cm.
Glue the ends of the pieces together properly.
Dip the top of the first in a plate of cookies and milk right after a plate of sugar.
Place the cookies on the baking paper with bedekte bakplaat en bak in de voorverwarmde oven op 180° C voor 20 minuten.
Laat de koekjes afkoelen en serveer ze met een glas lichte rode wijn.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Show Me A Bathroom In Orange And Brown

crispy triangles Krokante driehoekjes

A volte, benché i miei ospiti se lo aspettino, non ho voglia di fare (solo) cose "tipiche italiane". 
Mi piace la cucina di tutto il mondo, sono curiosa e assaggio sempre di tutto. E poi provo a rifare quello che assaggio e magari, dopo un paio di volte, ci metto del mio. Spesso quello che mi incanta è la tecnica, a volte un singolo sapore.

I triangolini nella photos are inspired by Greek spanakopita, spinach and feta rolls crisp. There are stuffed in my cottage cheese, fresh onions stewed slowly, a pinch of ginger, half a pinch of sugar and half of cinnamon, plus salt and pepper.
course I exaggerated the amount of stuffing and some broke out during cooking. Next time I'll keep more frugal.
Make triangles with phyllo dough is longer than said than done, the bottom of this page find the step by step illustrations.
The important thing is to take the wet phyllo and brush well with melted butter.
Bake at 180 ° C for 15-20 min. until golden brown.
Attenzione: fatene più di quanti siano sufficienti pensiate, perché come secondary scompaiono al sole.

~ ~ ~ ~ Dutch

Sometimes, all my guests expect it, I do not want to just "typical Italian" food to cook.
I love the world kitchen , am curious and always test everything. And then I try to copy it and maybe I'll do it after a few times on my way. What I often attracts the technique, sometimes a single flavor.

The triangles in the picture are inspired by the Greek Spanakopita, which is a filling of feta and spinach have. In my ricotta filling sits, tall and soft braised spring onions, a pinch of ginger, half and half pinch of cinnamon pinch of sugar, just salt and pepper.
I've used a little too much filling in the triangles and some have exploded during baking. Next time I will have some zuniger.
The triangles with the Fillo dough takes longer to explain than to do at the end of this page do you step by step pictures.
It is important to the Fillo dough moist and well inkwasten with melted butter.
in the oven at 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.
Note: make it more than you think it's enough, because they disappear like snow in the sun!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Drever Olivetti Prt100

La Befana comes by night ... Befana Komtar bij nacht ...

Befana di Power Hildfeld (D)
La Befana vien di notte con le scarpe tutte
peaks con le alla Sottana
viva, viva la Befana!
Befana di Power Sappada (I)
Befana comes by night with torn shoes

dress with patched long live Befana!

Befana di/uit Voltan Haus, Sappada (I)
Dedicato a tutte le Befane del mondo, con e senza scopa.
Opgedragen aan alle Befana's in de wereld, met en zonder bezem.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hyatt Collection Replacement Shades

meat pie, cabbage and potatoes Zuurkoolschotel

Fa un accidenti di freddo, è umido e la nebbia mi avvolge le finestre come se le avessero ricoperte con delle lenzuola bianche.
Il panorama di Amsterdam che mi godo 4 giorni alla settimana dal 17mo piano dell’ufficio, è scomparso.
I want soleeeeee!
But apparently no one hears me.
After the holidays, the market is a tragedy: my favorites dealers go away on holiday and banks that remain have only frozen fruit and vegetables and a half run.
We have to make a virtue of necessity.
This recipe is an adaptation of a published many years ago on magazine Dutch supermarket Albert Heijn. Honestly, at that time I did not have spun all. Then, one cold winter night years ago an acquaintance told me that the Dutch would have cooked this recipe, parrying his hands saying that I would not be proprio piaciuto ma che lui e la moglie erano olandesi e questi sapori li apprezzavano. Mwah, è stata la mia reazione.
Poi un amico olandese ha presentato la ricetta sul suo blog, fotografata passo passo...
Anche qui la mia reazione è stata proprio freddina.
Ma ad un certo punto, trovandomi ridotta ad avere solo crauti e patate come ingredienti di stagione, mi sono decisa a provarla, ovviamente rivedendo e correggendo il tutto.

Sformato di crauti con carne speziata (versione di Marina)

(per 4 persone – oppure per 2 cene di 2 persone, visto che si può riscaldare molto facilmente)

1 kg patate farinose da purè
500 gr carne di agnello speziata con le spezie per shoarma (* vedi note)
2 cipolle grandi
1 bella carotona
1 pizzico di peperoncino in polvere
1 bicchiere di latte
250 gr crauti
50 gr formaggio grattugiato

Pelare e cuocere le patate, scolarle dopo una ventina di minuti.
Cuocere i crauti in un dito d’acqua a fiamma low for about twenty minutes, then squeezing to drain any remaining water.
plan Fry the onions and carrots into small pieces in a little oil until they are completely cooked.
Add the meat, salt and pepper with the chili. Quickly toss with the onions.
Preheat oven to 225 ° C.
Prepare the mashed potatoes with that in the meantime should be prepared with milk and butter.
In a buttered baking dish, spread a layer of meat, and lastly a cabbage to a puree.
Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for 15-20 minutes, until it is done a nice crust!

Marina Notes:
Originally the ingredients were provided 200 ml raisins and sour cream. Eliminate both the raisins because it is not pleasing to my diner fixed and sour cream adds acidity to a dish that already contains a very acidic ingredient. If you really want something creamy, it is better to add a nice scoop of mascarpone cheese to the meat.
source version of the magazine of Albert Heijn using pork spiced with these spices, because the supermarket does not sell the original version which is with the lamb. The flavor of the lamb is not very pleasing all'olandese middle. Per fortuna esistono i Turchi che hanno macellai the real thing.
Le spezie a kebab miscuglio sono un fondamentale di mente a base cumino. C'è della Cannella, chiodi di Garofano, Coriandolo in Quantitative credo di ½ per Ogni cucchiaino cucchiaio bello pieno di cumino.

~~~~~ Dutch

It's freezing cold, it's wet and the fog covered my windows with a white opaque sheet. The panorama of Amsterdam, which I enjoy four days a week from 17nde verdiepieng of my office is gone.
Ik wil de zonnnnnnn!
Maar zo te zien, luistert niemand naar mij.
Na de feestdagen is de markt een drama: mijn favoriete dealers gaan met vakantie en er blijven alleen stalletjes over met half bevroren (en dus verrotten) groente en fruit.
Je moet van nood een deugd maken.
Dit recept is een aanpassing van eentje dat eeuwen geleden op Allerhande is verschenen. Om eerlijk te zijn, was het me te zijner tijd totaal ontgaan. Dan, op een koude wintermiddag, vertelde me een Nederlandse kennis dat hij dit recept ging klaarmaken en probeerde zichzelf al te excuseren voor mijn afkeur door te vertellen dat ik het niet would enjoy it because I'm Italian, but he and his wife were Dutch and used to these flavors. Mwah! Was my reaction.
Then another friend the Dutch recipe presented on his blog, step by step photographs ... Again did not enjoy it much.
But at a certain point I had only sauerkraut and potatoes and seasonal ingredients and have decided to try this dish, adapted as necessary.

sauerkraut with meat kebab (version of Marina)

Ingredients (serves 4 or 2x2 personen – in de zin dat het opgewarmd kan worden):

1 kg aardappelen
500 gr shoarmavlees
2 grote uien
1 winterpeen
1 kleine Spaanse peper
1 à 2 deciliter melk
250 gr zuurkool
50 gr geraspte oude kaas

Schil de aardappelen, spoel ze af, snijd ze in stukken en breng ze in een laagje water aan de kook. Kook de aardappelen tot ze gaar zijn (even prikken na een minuut of 15 à 20) en giet ze dan af.
Breng ondertussen de zuurkool in een klein bodempje water aan de kook en laat dit 20 minuten zachtjes pruttelen.
Bak ook al ondertussen de uien en de geraspte wortel heel zacht en glazig in wat olijfolie. Als ze helemaal gaar zijn, voeg het lamsvlees toe en het Spaanse pepertje.
Ondertussen zouden de 20 minuten kooktijd voor de zuurkool wel zo'n beetje verstreken moeten zijn. Giet eventueel overtollig vocht heel goed af.
Verwarm de oven voor tot 225 graden Celsius.
De aardappelen zijn inmiddels ook wel gaar en afgegoten.
Pureer de aardappelen en klop er de boter en de melk door.
Doe het vlees-uien-wortel-mengsel in een ingevette ovenschaal.
Spreid er de zuurkool op.
Dicht het geheel af met de aardappelpuree.
Strooi de kaas erover en zet de schaal in de oven.
Na een minuutje of 15 à 20 moet er een mooi korstje ontstaan zijn en is de schotel klaar om verslonden te worden!

Noten van Marina:
Oorspronkelijk zaten at the ingredients and raisins 200 ml crème fraîche. I have both left out because my hard blackhead is not like raisins and the sour cream adds an unnecessary element to a dish which has a highly acidic ingredient is processed. If you absolutely want something creamy, you better have a big spoonful of the mascarpone meat.
In the original version of pork shawarma Appie was used. I thought that was strange: a Middle Eastern dish with pork ... Fortunately there are good Turkish butchers the real thing (with lamb) sales.