Ho una grande passione per brodi e minestre liquide. Se potessi, me ne mangerei una scodella every day. Obviously, the conditio sine qua non is that the broth is made of real stuff, not bought nut.
This recipe is very suitable for a festive lunch or dinner (even in quantity) I got it from an old December issue of Italian Cooking. There was a service in which the fixed magazine's photographers present their holiday meal, and this broth, I do not remember who (I only know that she was a woman), I was particularly attracted.
Tronchetti ricotta in Parmesan broth
For 16 people
250 gr wheat flour
250 gr farina di grano tenero
5 uova
1 pizzico di sale
1 cucchiaio di olio d’oliva extravergine
Mischiare i due tipi di farina e tirare la pasta piuttosto sottile dopo averla fatta riposare la solita mezz’ora.
Fare delle strisce tipo lasagne tirate all’ultima tacca dell’Imperia, cuocerle un minuto dalla ripresa del bollore in acqua salata e stenderle su un canovaccio.
Per il ripieno:
750 gr ricotta
175 gr lonza
noce moscata
Tagliare la lonza a fettine sottili, poi a filettini tipo julienne sottile e poi a dadini minuscoli. Aggiungere alla ricotta con una grattata di noce moscata. Non c’è bisogno di sale perché la lonza è saporita di per sé.
A circa un paio di millimetri di distanza dal bordo superiore più lungo della striscia di pasta (che consiglio di non fare troppo lunga), fare una striscia continua di stuffing as much as an inch wide.
A circa un paio di millimetri di distanza dal bordo superiore più lungo della striscia di pasta (che consiglio di non fare troppo lunga), fare una striscia continua di stuffing as much as an inch wide.
This is easier to put the filling into the pastry bag, but also with a teaspoon you get good results. Having done this, roll the strip of dough around the filling to have a long thin cannelloni. Cut into logs of about 3 cm. Place in oven to heat to 100 ° C in a pan covered with aluminum foil while you prepare the broth.
For the broth:
350 gr Parmesan
1 bay leaf 1 shallot
extra virgin olive oil
truffle sauce
2.5 l beef broth (about 150 per person dl)
Slice the shallots and cook it in a pan with olive oil and laurel. Add a ladle of broth, bring to a boil and add the Parmesan cheese. Turn off the heat and stir with a whisk finquando the cheese is melted. Add cream and Parmesan cheese to the rest of the broth through a strainer.
Place the rolls of dough in a circle like a wreath in the pot bottom heating, versare il brodo bollente al Parmgiano e guarnire con una puntina di salsa tartufata (o una grattata di tartufo vero).
Note di Marina :
Se si ha del brodo di carne OTTIMO, non c’è bisogno della salsa di Parmigiano, basta una spolverata sul piatto.
La salsa di Parmigiano è una gran seccatura perché il formaggio coagula e per toglierlo dal passino ci stai le ore. Però è buona...
La salsa di Parmigiano è una gran seccatura perché il formaggio coagula e per toglierlo dal passino ci stai le ore. Però è buona...
È molto importante che i tronchetti siano messi a riscaldare, perché altrimenti sono freddi quando arrivano in tavola.
~~~~~ Nederlands
Ik hou van bouillon en dunne soepen, ik zou er elke dag een volle bord van kunnen eten.
Het spreekt voor zich dat het bouillon van echt eten getrokken moet worden, niet van een chemisch blokje.
Dit recept is heel geschikt voor een feestelijke lunch of diner, ook qua hoeveelheden van de receptuur.
Ik heb het uit een oude decembernummer van het Italiaanse kooktijdschrift La Cucina Italiana. Er stond een reportage van feestgerechten die gemaakt waren door de vaste foodfotografen van het tijdschrift. Ik weet niet meer wie dit recept heeft gepresenteerd, ik weet alleen dat het een vrouw was.
Ricotta rolletjes in een broth of Parmigiano
For 16 people
250 gr hard wheat flour
250 gr white flour
5 eggs
1 pinch salt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
Mix the two types of flour together and knead into a dough with ingredients indicated. Let it rest for half hour and roll quite thin pieces of lasagna. Boil the pieces in salted water for 1 minute after water back to the boil and place them on a towel .
For the filling:
750 gr ricotta
Lonza 175 g (dried meats, dried ham replacing Fri)
Lonza Cut into thin slices and then into thin strips and then into tiny dice. Add the ricotta and a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg. No salt is needed because the Lonza is candid enough.
Create an inch thick strip of filling along the long side of dough to a few millimeters from the top (make the dough not too long). This is easier with a pastry bag, but also with a spoon, you can get good results.
Roll the dough around the filling to form a thin and long pipe gets filled. Cut into pieces about 3 inches long and place them warm in the oven at 100 ° C , in a covered bowl while the stock of Parmigiano makes
For the broth:
Create an inch thick strip of filling along the long side of dough to a few millimeters from the top (make the dough not too long). This is easier with a pastry bag, but also with a spoon, you can get good results.
Roll the dough around the filling to form a thin and long pipe gets filled. Cut into pieces about 3 inches long and place them warm in the oven at 100 ° C , in a covered bowl while the stock of Parmigiano makes
For the broth:
350 g Parmigiano
1 bay leaf 1 shallot
extra virgin olive
truffle sauce
2.5 liters beef stock (approximately 150 dl per person)
Finely chop the shallots and let it gently in a pan with a little olive oil and bay leaf. Add one tablespoon broth, bring to a boil and add the Parmigiano there. Turn off the heat and stir with a whisk until the cheese has melted. Add the Parmigiano sauce to the remainder of the hot broth through a sieve.
Add the pasta rolls in a circle like a crown in a preheated deep plate, pour the hot broth and garnish with a pinch of truffle sauce (or some freshly grated real truffle).
Marina Notes:
EXCELLENT If you have beef broth, Parmigiano sauce is not necessary, you can suffice with grated Parmigiano on the soup.
Parmigiano The sauce is a chore, because the cheese lumps for a while and you're sweet to your screen clean. It is lekker ...
Parmigiano The sauce is a chore, because the cheese lumps for a while and you're sweet to your screen clean. It is lekker ...
Het is belangrijk dat de rolletjes warm goed zijn, zijn ze anders aan tafel komen ze zodra Kouda.
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