Friday, December 31, 2010

Aquerious Lagna Amethyst

Happy 2011! Gelukkig 2011!

Beh, c'era da aspettarselo, anche il 2010 se ne sta andando.
Ne sono rimaste alcune briciole, da raccogliere stasera insieme agli amici.
E per festeggiare l'arrivo del nuovo anno, tante stelline di buon augurio per tutti.

Het was te verwachten, ook 2010 loopt op zijn einde.
Er zijn wat kruimeltjes overgebleven, die gaan we vanavond met vrienden oppeuzelen.
En om de aankomst van het nieuwe jaar te vieren, steken we veel sterretjes op!
Heel veel fijns en leuks toegewenst!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Katedra św. Jana Na Lateranie

Coricidin (1958)

Coricidin (1958)

Contro i malanni di stagione.
Ma Duane Allman , della Allman Brothers Band , ne faceva un uso 'particolare'. Vedere QUI .

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Walk Through Walls Pokemon Silver

rolls with ricotta Ricotta rolletjes bouillon broth half

Ho una grande passione per brodi e minestre liquide. Se potessi, me ne mangerei una scodella every day. Obviously, the conditio sine qua non is that the broth is made of real stuff, not bought nut.
This recipe is very suitable for a festive lunch or dinner (even in quantity) I got it from an old December issue of Italian Cooking. There was a service in which the fixed magazine's photographers present their holiday meal, and this broth, I do not remember who (I only know that she was a woman), I was particularly attracted.

Tronchetti ricotta in Parmesan broth
For 16 people
250 gr wheat flour
250 gr farina di grano tenero
5 uova
1 pizzico di sale
1 cucchiaio di olio d’oliva extravergine

Mischiare i due tipi di farina e tirare la pasta piuttosto sottile dopo averla fatta riposare la solita mezz’ora.
Fare delle strisce tipo lasagne tirate all’ultima tacca dell’Imperia, cuocerle un minuto dalla ripresa del bollore in acqua salata e stenderle su un canovaccio.

Per il ripieno:
750 gr ricotta
175 gr lonza
noce moscata

Tagliare la lonza a fettine sottili, poi a filettini tipo julienne sottile e poi a dadini minuscoli. Aggiungere alla ricotta con una grattata di noce moscata. Non c’è bisogno di sale perché la lonza è saporita di per sé.
A circa un paio di millimetri di distanza dal bordo superiore più lungo della striscia di pasta (che consiglio di non fare troppo lunga), fare una striscia continua di stuffing as much as an inch wide.
This is easier to put the filling into the pastry bag, but also with a teaspoon you get good results. Having done this, roll the strip of dough around the filling to have a long thin cannelloni. Cut into logs of about 3 cm. Place in oven to heat to 100 ° C in a pan covered with aluminum foil while you prepare the broth.
For the broth:
350 gr Parmesan
1 bay leaf 1 shallot
extra virgin olive oil
truffle sauce
2.5 l beef broth (about 150 per person dl)

Slice the shallots and cook it in a pan with olive oil and laurel. Add a ladle of broth, bring to a boil and add the Parmesan cheese. Turn off the heat and stir with a whisk finquando the cheese is melted. Add cream and Parmesan cheese to the rest of the broth through a strainer.
Place the rolls of dough in a circle like a wreath in the pot bottom heating, versare il brodo bollente al Parmgiano e guarnire con una puntina di salsa tartufata (o una grattata di tartufo vero).

Note di Marina :
Se si ha del brodo di carne OTTIMO, non c’è bisogno della salsa di Parmigiano, basta una spolverata sul piatto.
La salsa di Parmigiano è una gran seccatura perché il formaggio coagula e per toglierlo dal passino ci stai le ore. Però è buona...
È molto importante che i tronchetti siano messi a riscaldare, perché altrimenti sono freddi quando arrivano in tavola.

~~~~~ Nederlands

Ik hou van bouillon en dunne soepen, ik zou er elke dag een volle bord van kunnen eten.
Het spreekt voor zich dat het bouillon van echt eten getrokken moet worden, niet van een chemisch blokje.
Dit recept is heel geschikt voor een feestelijke lunch of diner, ook qua hoeveelheden van de receptuur.
Ik heb het uit een oude decembernummer van het Italiaanse kooktijdschrift La Cucina Italiana. Er stond een reportage van feestgerechten die gemaakt waren door de vaste foodfotografen van het tijdschrift. Ik weet niet meer wie dit recept heeft gepresenteerd, ik weet alleen dat het een vrouw was.

Ricotta rolletjes in een broth of Parmigiano
For 16 people

250 gr hard wheat flour
250 gr white flour
5 eggs
1 pinch salt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Mix the two types of flour together and knead into a dough with ingredients indicated. Let it rest for half hour and roll quite thin pieces of lasagna. Boil the pieces in salted water for 1 minute after water back to the boil and place them on a towel .

For the filling:
750 gr ricotta
Lonza 175 g (dried meats, dried ham replacing Fri)

Lonza Cut into thin slices and then into thin strips and then into tiny dice. Add the ricotta and a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg. No salt is needed because the Lonza is candid enough.
Create an inch thick strip of filling along the long side of dough to a few millimeters from the top (make the dough not too long). This is easier with a pastry bag, but also with a spoon, you can get good results.
Roll the dough around the filling to form a thin and long pipe gets filled. Cut into pieces about 3 inches long and place them warm in the oven at 100 ° C , in a covered bowl while the stock of Parmigiano makes

For the broth:
350 g Parmigiano
1 bay leaf 1 shallot
extra virgin olive
truffle sauce
2.5 liters beef stock (approximately 150 dl per person)

Finely chop the shallots and let it gently in a pan with a little olive oil and bay leaf. Add one tablespoon broth, bring to a boil and add the Parmigiano there. Turn off the heat and stir with a whisk until the cheese has melted. Add the Parmigiano sauce to the remainder of the hot broth through a sieve.
Add the pasta rolls in a circle like a crown in a preheated deep plate, pour the hot broth and garnish with a pinch of truffle sauce (or some freshly grated real truffle).

Marina Notes:
EXCELLENT If you have beef broth, Parmigiano sauce is not necessary, you can suffice with grated Parmigiano on the soup.
Parmigiano The sauce is a chore, because the cheese lumps for a while and you're sweet to your screen clean. It is lekker ...
Het is belangrijk dat de rolletjes warm goed zijn, zijn ze anders aan tafel komen ze zodra Kouda.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sympathy Messages For Loss

Chiffeletti or curabiè Kipferln of kourabiedes

The recipe for these biscuits runs since time immemorial on the forum Coquinaria , thanks to one of the participants, Marco di Padova. Mark has roots in the area of \u200b\u200bTrieste, from what I could understand (maybe even have explained it right, sometimes, but I'm one that you own the facts and other personal info is usually not the default storage ).
As is well known, Trieste up to 75 years ago was under the Austro-Hungarians, whose bravura nella pasticceria è nota. Gli austro-ungarici, a loro volta, avevano stretti contatti con i greci e di conseguenza i turchi. Tutti popoli, quest'ultimi, molto bravi nella pasticceria a base di mandorle.
Ultimamente Marco ha pubblicato sul forum la foto di un librino di ricette della sua bisnonna, con la ricetta scritta a mano di quelli che lei chiama curabiè, il nome greco dei chiffeletti.
Poiché le versioni precedenti di questa ricetta di Marco erano state ampiamente lodate da chi le aveva provate, mi son decisa anch'io usando quella della bisnonna, un po' più difficile delle altre perché non contiene uova.
Peccato non averla provata prima!

Chiffeletti o curabiè great-grandmother of Mark

350 g flour 250 g soft butter 00

75 g sugar 175 g almonds

Mix the almonds with sugar, knead briefly with the flour and soft butter.
At this point there are two ways: make the dough rest in refrigerator at least an hour and then form crescents or form crescents directly and put the pan with the biscuits in the fridge or on the balcony.
view of the external temperature of these days, I chose the second alternative of Second Avenue.
Bake at 170 degrees finquando begin to smell. Must not brown.
I chiffeletti vanno abbondantemente spolverati di zucchero a velo vanigliato.

Note di Marina:
Se si vogliono proprio bianchissimi, si possono usare mandorle senza pellicina.
Si conservano tanto tempo al fresco in un contenitore ben chiuso.
Come tutti i biscotti a base di frutta secca, sono più buoni dopo qualche giorno.
La prossima volta cambio la forma (sono un po' troppo grandi per i miei gusti) ma non il contenuto.
Voglio anche provarli nella versione con nocciole, noci e pistacchi al posto delle mandorle.
Sono biscotti molto delicati e friabili, adattissimi ad un tè o caffè.

In Friuli ed in particolare a Trieste, si trova un'altra pietanza tradizionale con il nome di chiffeletti. Si tratta di di patate frittelle a forma di Mezzaluna. Qui trovate la ricetta di Chiara Giglio . Ma che la parola
strong chiffeletto stia ad indicar la forma e non il contenuto?

~ ~ ~ ~ Dutch

The recipe for these cookies is a longtime hit in the cooking forum coquinaria , thanks to one of the members, one from Marco Padova. Marco his family is from Trieste, where I could understand (maybe he has ever explained properly, but I'm not someone who has her own business soon, so forget about telling me by default those of the others).
As is known, was Trieste tot een driekwart eeuw geleden deel van het Habsburgse rijk, wiens kundigheid in de patisserie is befaamd. Dit rijk hield op zijn beurt strikte contacten met de Grieken en dus ook met de Turken. Allemaal volkeren die zeer bekwaamd zijn in de amandelenpatisserie.
Laatst heeft Marco een foto op het forum geplaatst van een door haar overgrootmoeder handgeschreven receptenboekje, met het recept van de kourabiedes, het Griekse naam van de chiffeletti.
Aangezien de andere versies van dit recept van Marco veel lof hadden geoogst door wie ze had uitgeprobeerd, heb ik besloten dat het nu ook voor mij de tijd was gekomen om het uit te proberen. En ik heb de versie van de overgrootmoeder gebruikt, dat wat moeilijker is omdat het geen eieren bevat.
What a pity that I did not before!

Kipferln kourabiedes or the grandmother of Marco

350 g flour 250 g soft butter
75 g sugar 175 g almonds

Add the almonds and sugar in food processor until they become powder. Knead the flour and butter until a homogeneous dough briefly there.
Now you can follow two paths: you let the dough in the refrigerator at least 1 hour rest and then you form the crescents, and you form the crescents and you put the tray with the cookies in the refrigerator or on the balcony .
view the outside of these days, I have the second route.
In de oven op 170° C totdat ze lekker beginnen te ruiken. Ze moeten absoluut niet kleuren.
De koekjes dienen met een dikke laag poedersuiker bedekt te worden.

Noten van Marina:
Als je echt spierwitte koekjes wil hebben, moet je ontvelde amandelen gebruiken.
Je kunt ze lang bewaren in een hermetisch afgesloten blik op een koele plaats. Zoals alle koekjes met noten, zijn ze lekkerder na een paar dagen.
Volgende keer verander ik hun vorm (ze zijn iets te groot naar mijn smaak) maar niet de inhoud.
Ik wil ook de versies met hazelnoten, met walnoten en die met pistaches in plaats van amandelen een keer proberen.
Het zijn delicate en broze koekjes, zeer geschikt bij een kopje thee of een chique koffie.

In Friuli en in het bijzonder in Trieste, is er een ander traditionele gerecht met de naam chiffeletti (kipferln). Het gaat om aardappelbeignets in de vorm van een half maantje.  Hier vind je het recept van Chiara Giglio  (in het Italiaans, maar met Google Translator krijg je het zo in het Nederlands).
Zou het kunnen zijn dat het woord chiffeletto (kipferl) verwijst naar de vorm en niet naar de inhoud?

Who Have Boobs Ayesha Takia Or Amisha Patel

Ansaldo (1985) Linus

Ansaldo (1985)

After 42 years, a new advertising Ansaldo. Here the previous .
It happens to everyone to have customers like that.
Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Prize for physics, is writing, along with major European scientists at CERN in Geneva, the most important chapter in the field of high energy physics. Ansaldo has contributed to this great project of technological innovation by providing dipole magnets and superconductors. Even so Ansaldo is present in the international arena.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Old Maxine Lady Cartoon

Il panorama dalla mia finestra ieri sera era magico, quasi una stampa di genere.
Het panorama uit mijn raam was gisterenavond had iets feeëriks, almost like a print.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Does Drinking Cause Black Stool

January (1978) Personal

Linus Gennaio Front Cover (1978)

Guardando la copertina di Linus l'immagine della natività risulta leziosetta anziché no.
Se però si apre la rivista completamente, ecco che il mondo di Enzo Lunari esplode in tutta la sua dimensione reale.

Linus Gennaio  Front & Back cover (1978)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Walk In Clinics Toronto 7

Fiat 126 650 [b] (1978) Personal

Fiat 126 Personal 650 [b] (1978)
Questa è l'ultima pubblicità, trovata di recente, sulla Fiat 126.
Non ne ho mai posseduta né guidata una.
E non ho mai posseduto né guidato una qualsiasi altra auto Fiat...

The text says:
The Fiat 126 continues to be a good deal for you even when it becomes someone else's. A Fiat
depreciates less than any other car. It is also, in its class, the car that costs less, not only when bought, but also for petrol (22 km per liter), the stamp duty, insurance, garage, highway, pieces parts and maintenance, which will be minimal because a 126 is simple and very robust. Painted with the most modern in Europe, better resist corrosion.
three meters long, one meter wide and a half, a 126 Personal is always handy: 650 cc displacement to provide excellent ripresa e maggiore elasticità di funzionamento. L'interno è confortevole, rifinito con cura in velluto e moquette.
Una Fiat 126 vi offre il servizio "Ci pensa Fiat": prezzo "chiavi in mano" garanzia integrale per 12 mesi, vettura sostitutiva gratuita quando le riparazioni in periodo di garanzia durano più di tre giorni, garanzia di tre mesi sulle riparazioni a pagamento, "filo diretto Fiat" per risolvere ogni problema tecnico. Una 126 si può comprare anche a rate Sava.
Fiat 126 Personal/650. Come te non c'è nessuna.

Amc Cookware Prices Euro

Fiat 126 650 [a] (1978) Personal

Fiat 126 Personal 650 [a] (1978)

Il testo dice:
A 126 is a highway where there is a path, a path, a path.
three meters long, one meter wide and thirty, 126 Personal is a stable and comfortable, always easy to handle: 650 cc displacement to provide excellent shooting and greater flexibility of operation.
The interior is comfortable, trimmed with velvet and carpet care.
in its class, the 126 is a car that costs less, not only when bought, but also for petrol (22 km per liter), the road tax, insurance, garage, highway, pieces parts and maintenance, which will be minimal because a 126 is simple and very robust. Painted with the method modern Europe, it resists corrosion better.
A Fiat 126 offers the service "I think Fiat" money "ready" for full 12 months warranty, free replacement car when the repairs during the guarantee period longer than three days, three months warranty on repairs to charges "Fiat direct line" to solve every technical problem. A 126 can be bought in installments Sava.
Personal/650 Fiat 126. As you no.

In Memorial Wedding Program Wording

Christmas 2010 Merry Christmas! Fijn Kerstdagen!

Vi auguro Giorni tranquilli mangiando passati con le persone che cose Buone Amate!
I wish all quiet day in fine company and good food!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Build Ladder Rack

Fiat 126 [b] (1977)

FIAT 126 Personal [b] (1977)

The text says:
Fiat 126 Personal:
now it will be easier for a young man make his way.
"For me, the machine must be easy to drive, robust, and should not cost too much. Must get by the best in city traffic and be capable of long journeys comfortable and inexpensive."
Well, what you get is in a sense, the right car and we with the new 126 versions "basic", Personal and Personal 4, we went very, very close.
Easy to drive because small, at least on the outside, and compact. Hardy of course, because it originates from a trial of more than 4 million copies. And
Keep in mind that the cost today is the machine that spend less.
In the 126 city staff do not have rivals, and is superprotetta from minor knocks and scratches, because the bumpers on the side panels.
The comfort is also guaranteed by a refined interior all covered with velvet seats and carpets with a very padded adjustable backrest and hinged rear window.
Whereas consumption at 60 km / h is just a quart every 22 miles. The 126 is characterized by the Personal removable cushion back for added versatility and two storage pockets on the rigid arch.
The Personal 4 Instead, the seat back normal, that is non asportabile.
Tutte le nuove 126 hanno ora i freni maggiorati, l'alternatore in luogo della dinamo e gli ammortizzatori piú morbidi.
126 Personal. Amica della città.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Range Of Braun Buffel Wallet

FIAT 126 Personal [a] (1977)

FIAT 126 Personal [a] (1977)

Il testo dice:
1^ assoluta nel rally:
"Casa, ufficio, scuola, negozi e ritorno"
Meno male che per muoversi in città esiste una macchina come la 126 Personal. Pensate solo al problema dei posteggio, per esempio. Bene, con la 126 Personal il posteggio è piccolo così: 313 centimetri di lunghezza per 138 di larghezza.
Ma non solo, perché la robusta protezione circolare, ovvero i paraurti sulle fiancate, permette di affrontare in tutta tranquillità anche i posteggi più difficili, per non parlare del raggio di sterzata della 126 che è di metri 4,30.
Ma la nuova 126 nelle versioni "base", Personal e Personal 4 ha degli altri vantaggi che sottolineano la sua tipica funzione di auto da città: i freni maggiorati, l'alternatore in luogo della dinamo e gli ammortizzatori più morbidi. Inoltre si sa che il consumo è limitatissimo.
Le 126 Personal e Personal 4 hanno anche i paraurti laterali, rivestimenti in velluto e moquette e sono arricchite nelle dotazioni interne come i sedili anteriori con schienale reclinabile e i cristalli posteriori apribili a compasso; la prima (vedi foto) è inoltre caratterizzata da un cuscino posteriore asportabile e da due tasconi rigidi sui passaruote.
FIAT 126 Personal. Amica della città.

Turn A Car Gen To 115 Volts

N. Tommaseo, Dictionary of Italian (1977)

N. Tommaseo, Dizionario della lingua italiana (1977)

Novantamila lire per tutte quelle parole? Un vero affare!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Managerial Psychology

WAS Maugham, holidays Christmas (1956)

W. S. Maugham, Vacanze di Natale (1956)

For the curious: the cover price was 250 pounds, about 13 euro cents.

From the inside cover:
William Somerset Maugham is one of the foreign writers who have won the sympathy of most Italian readers, and certainly his art so eclectic and so refined, while genuinely popular tone, is what should be better to capture an audience like ours, cut the best romantic school. With the Christmas holidays Maugham returned to the art from the strong hues realistic drama that cultivated in the early days of his career as a novelist, when he wrote the famous Bondage . But he came back hand relieved by the long experience of irony made in recent years at the expense of British society: the author tells the story of three wretched human scum who came into contact, for a fatal combination of circumstances, with a fine English education which During the Christmas holidays, he visited Paris for the first time. A new view of the slums of Paris is revealed in the eyes of the reader who will draw from these pages, nobly human and moral, a deeper experience of life. Christmas holiday is the work of perfect artistic maturity of Maugham and was judged by many critics as his masterpiece.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Covering Letter Cloths Store

PSI and MacIntosh (1985) Maigret

PSI e MacIntosh (1985)

Non sono certo della data, ma il MacIntosh uscì nel 1984. Chissà se quelli della Apple erano d'accordo nell'uso 'politico' della loro creatura rivoluzionaria.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wording Of Non Religious Wedding Ceremony

Mondadori (1966)

Mondadori Maigret (1966)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Does Whippets Kill Brain Cells

Ansaldo (1943)

Ansaldo (1943)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What To Write For A Hens Night

ITC (1989)

ITC (1989)

I primi telefoni cellulari che ho visto risalgono a quest'anno 1989. Erano due Toshiba in dotazione ai due top sales manager dell'azienda in cui lavoravo. Al tempo ci sembravano solo un inutile e costo status symbol.

Il testo dice:
Introducing the word's first cellular computer.
Now cellular communication is more than just a talk.
Get all the power of portable computing and the convenience of cellular communications too. Meet the ITC 286 CAT from Intelligence Technology Corporation. It's two technologies in one efficient package, ready to work at a remote jobsite or an office downtown.
This unique patented portable offers fail-safe transmission. The built-in cellular telephone and error-correcting modem let you trust valuable data to the cellular network - even during hand-off and channel changes.
And it provides more than 2 hours of battery-powered operation, automatically converting to 110/220V or to 12V for in-vehicle use. Batteries can even be recharged during operation.
The ITC 286 CAT is IBM PC/AT -compatible and features 12 MHz processing, 640K memory, a high-speed hard disk drive, a high-resolution EGA screen, full-size keyboard and more. The numeric keypad and built-in speakerphone simplify your voice and data calls. A headset and cellular telephone handset are included for more versatility. And it all comes in an easy-to-carry case.
For a complete workstation just take along a portable printer. Or connect with other ITC 286 CATs for an instant mobile LAN. It's a brand new way to keep your company on the move.
If you thought cellular communications was all just a lot of talk, we invite you to hear and see more about this technological merger. ITC made a remote possibility reality.

Vi presentiamo il primo computer cellulare al mondo.
Adesso la comunicazione cellulare non è più solo chiacchiere.
Sfruttate tutta la potenza di a laptop and also the opportunity of cellular communication. Get to know the ITC 286CAT of Intelligence Technology Corporation. E 'two technologies into one efficient office equipment ready to work in a center or workplace remotely.
This portable, unique, patented, we provide a proof of transmission error. The integrated phone and modem error correction allow you to entrust sensitive data to the cellular network - even while trade and switching channels.
It gives you more than 2 hours of use with only the batteries, with automatic conversion to 110 or 220 volts or 12 volts if you use it in a car. The batteries can even be recharged while in use.
L 'ITC 286 CAT is compatible with IBM PC / AT and is equipped with a processor at 12 MHz, 640 K of memory, a hard drive at high speed, a video for EGA altars solution, a full-size keyboard and much more. The numeric keypad and a handsfree make simple voice communications or data. A headset and a handset are included for added versatility. And all this comes in a container easy to carry,
For a complete workplace that you have enough with you a portable printer. Or you can connect with other ITC 286 CAT to instantly create a mobile LAN. This is a new way to manage your business while you're around.
If you thought the mobile was just a lot of talk, we invite you to see and hear more of this fusion of technologies. ITC has made a remote possibility a reality.