Friday, March 19, 2010

Blank Silver Discs Design

Auletta spazio aperto II

Dopo il successo del primo "auletta spazio aperto" abbiamo deciso di bissare, questa volta non sarà un pranzo sociale ma un aperitivo sociale....quindi vi invitiamo per le 17 circa di mercoledì 24 marzo...per ulteriori delucidazioni ecco il volantino. saluti rossi! CLICCA SULL'IMMAGINE PER INGRANDIRLA

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ftv Midnighthot Online

Bologna Burns

 tra l'11 e il 12 Marzo a Vienna ci sono stati i festeggiamenti 
per i 10 anni del processo di bologna da parte dei 46 ministri
dell'istruzione Europeans, of course, the student movement
Europe has not been watching this despicable display ..
but moved through events and whatever
... even for our part, we want to know our opinion and
we want to reiterate that we can not accept this. Below
put the document drawn up by us in this regard
red Greetings!

click on it to read the document

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Church Celebration Ideas

Pecora Nera N°2

pseudogiornalismo Continue to work with the second issue of Black Sheep, the number of seconds in February of this year that has just begun!
Good Reading!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Jon Cryer Earns Per Episode

Auletta spazio aperto!

Entula Arrubia invites everyone to the event "Auletta open space" for the event held Wednesday, March 3 starts at 13 with the cumbido social, free food for the free offer, then at 16 will present the film "all down the air" followed by, hopefully, heated discussion on the issues in it.
Entula Arrubia with the first of many events intention is to reiterate and remind everyone that 's University in addition to being a place of training in the strict sense and also, perhaps above all, a place of culture, and social growth and development of critical consciousness. The auletta in this sense is a physical place and ideal and desirable in which to pursue these purposes.
you there! Greetings

Entula Arrubia