Con questo numero si chiude questo lungo primo anno di Pecora Nera. Vi lasciamo con questo saluto della redazione...buona lettura!
Un anno dopo
Essì, è già passato un anno dall'uscita del primo numero di Pecora Nera. Un anno intero e 18 numeri ci hanno forgiato, hanno contribuito ad essere ciò che siamo, hanno dato la possibilità a molti di noi di mettersi alla prova, ma soprattutto ci hanno fatto amuse, anger, and compare ... with ourselves first. After a year there are many people who have gone behind this though poor editing: many have written, edited, and set the paper, many have spread far and wide and we hope that many also have the bed. As I wrote in the first issue of our commitment, in fact, our attempt is to make counter! Many of you will be able to pick up our newspaper and think it is partisan, biased ... well, you're not wrong: anyone picking up our newspaper to get the news first hand, to know in detail how there has been a particular matter, there are other sources for that ... we just make a point of view, always different, depending on who writes, but common, we present the analysis of a law, but we will present first of all what we would like to see changed in the law. We are all that and something more, and we thank very warmly all those who have 'wasted' a bit of their time to read our paper, even an article, we thank you and we say goodbye until next year .. . then the next month.
"I live, they are partisan. So do not hate those sides, I hate the indifferent" Antonio Gramsci