Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How To Make A Sugarpaste Motorbike

the hole Noooooo

Ebbene sì, domani ci sarà l'esame finale alla scuola di sartoria.

Ho preparato tutti i vestiti cuciti quest'anno (due cappoti e un abito) e li ho sistemati sul letto prima di incelofanarli. Sono poi andata al mercato per comprare dei bottoni. E quando sono tornata ho trovato NELLA FODERA DI UNO DEI DUE CAPPOTTI...



While I was out to minnie came the great idea to sleep on it and not to be found on my return. on the other hand, however, has left the recall. And I'm sure that it was the CSI because, as I did in the cast of the hole and I compared his nails. Fit perfectly!

I tried to patch it, but I think I have failed ....

Minnie Thank you very much!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Championship Belts Art

It's hot!

After weeks of rain, the sun finally! And with that in Giardini appeared chairs, the table and chairs. I immediately slingshots on the deck. We say too aggressive, so as to reverse with her ... What a pain! And Toz not moved a foot to help me ... Sig, Sig!
The photo above I have taken 25 April during a walk along the canal that leads to Morimondo (MI). I have no pictures today, but it seemed to me cmq in theme with the beautiful day.

Meanwhile I'm studying what to wear for two weddings to be held in September (5 and 23). I post a picture of a skirt that I found on Burda Style and I thought to wear to that of 5. I have not decided what stuff to use in that color. Abolished on the black and white choice is still wide. What would you recommend?
I've been invited to a wedding, and I'm Trying to find a pretty outfit. I'm thinking of sewing this skirt. What do you think? And what color do you Suggests? Not Black nor White!